WHEREAS, Proud residents of Val Verde County are gathering in |
Austin on April 12, 2017, to celebrate Val Verde County Day at the |
State Capitol; and |
WHEREAS, The brushlands along the Rio Grande were first |
inhabited more than 6,000 years ago by native peoples whose cave |
paintings are still visible; the Spanish arrived in the 1590s, |
encountering the Lipan Apaches and the Comanches, and in the 1850s |
and after the Civil War, a series of military camps were set up in |
the area; and |
WHEREAS, The community of San Felipe Del Rio was founded in |
1868, and Val Verde County was organized in 1885; that same year, |
the colorful Judge Roy Bean was elected justice of the peace in |
Langtry, where he became known as "the Law West of the Pecos," |
making his distinctive rulings from the Jersey Lilly Saloon; and |
WHEREAS, County seat Del Rio today is a cultural center for |
the area; it is home to campuses of Southwest Texas Junior College |
and Sul Ross State University, as well as to the Upstagers Community |
Theatre, which presents several productions each year; and |
WHEREAS, Since its earliest days, Val Verde County has been a |
center for sheep and goat ranching, and the wool and mohair |
industries continue to be central to its economy; other important |
employers include Laughlin Air Force Base, the U.S. Border Patrol, |
and the National Park Service; and |
WHEREAS, Tourism and trade with Mexico are also part of the |
life of the county; opportunities for boating, fishing, birding, |
and hiking are afforded by the Amistad National Recreation Area, |
and the Whitehead Memorial Museum in Del Rio and the Judge Roy Bean |
Visitor Center in Langtry attract visitors interested in the |
heritage of the county's frontier days; and |
WHEREAS, Celebrating their rich history as they work to build |
an even brighter future, the people of Val Verde County may take |
great pride in the important role their unique region continues to |
play in the story of the Lone Star State; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas |
Legislature hereby recognize April 12, 2017, as Val Verde County |
Day at the State Capitol and extend to the visiting delegation |
sincere best wishes for a meaningful and memorable stay in Austin. |