85R17982 RMA-D
  By: Shine H.R. No. 1419
         WHEREAS, United States Army Sergeant (Ret.) Steve Land of
  Belton has served this country with tremendous courage and
  dedication; and
         WHEREAS, A native of Midland, Steve Land graduated from
  Belton High School in 2003, and two years later, he answered his
  nation's call to duty by enlisting in the army; in addition to being
  stationed in Hawaii, South Korea, and Germany, he served four
  deployments to the Middle East; and
         WHEREAS, While on patrol in Zabul Province in Afghanistan in
  2009, Sergeant Land was seriously injured when his Humvee was
  struck by an improvised explosive device; the blast claimed the
  lives of everyone in the vehicle except Sergeant Land, who was
  immediately flown to Germany for treatment; he later recuperated at
  Walter Reed National Military Medical Center near Washington, D.C.,
  for nearly a year and was then transferred to Brooke Army Medical
  Center in San Antonio; he retired from the army in 2012; and
         WHEREAS, Americans owe a profound debt of gratitude to our
  country's military personnel, for they are called on to bear great,
  often unimaginable burdens, and they render service and sacrifice
  that is truly beyond measure; through his unfaltering devotion to
  his country, Sergeant Land embodies the highest ideals of the U.S.
  armed forces, and he has earned the lasting respect and
  appreciation of his fellow citizens; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas
  Legislature hereby honor Sergeant Steve Land for his valorous
  service in behalf of his country and extend to him heartfelt best
  wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Sergeant Land as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.