85R20634 KID-D
  By: Isaac H.R. No. 1584
         WHEREAS, Healthy Texas Week, an annual initiative led by
  "It's Time Texas," encourages Texans to move more, eat better, and
  live well; and
         WHEREAS, In the Lone Star State, two-thirds of adults and
  more than one-third of all children are considered overweight or
  obese, and the consequences of this public health crisis are
  troubling; being overweight increases a person's risk of heart
  disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and other severe medical
  conditions that affect quality of life and have substantial
  economic repercussions; and
         WHEREAS, The direct health care costs of this serious
  problem, such as medicine and hospital stays, and the indirect
  costs, such as lost productivity and wages due to illness, are
  already estimated to exceed $15 billion in Texas each year and
  continue to skyrocket; and
         WHEREAS, During the first week of May, businesses are
  encouraged to promote their employees' health by supporting
  physical activity and wholesome food choices in the workplace;
  schools are called on to celebrate physical, nutritional, and
  emotional health in classrooms, and friends, families, and
  neighbors are invited to exercise together, volunteer with local
  health-based nonprofits or parks departments, and become
  health-minded consumers; and
         WHEREAS, A cultural shift is needed to make good health the
  norm in communities across the state, and Healthy Texas Week is
  helping spark conversation and action among citizens at home, work,
  and school; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize May 1-7, 2017, as Healthy Texas Week
  and encourage all residents of the Lone Star State to learn more
  about this important campaign.