85R23790 JGH-D
  By: Sanford H.R. No. 1618
         WHEREAS, The McKinney High School Flying Lions Rocketry Team
  was a preliminary winner at the 2016-2017 NASA Student Launch
  challenge in Huntsville, Alabama, which was held from April 5 to 9,
  2017; and
         WHEREAS, Hosted by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center, the
  17th annual NASA Student Launch represented the culmination of
  eight months of teamwork by 60 middle school, high school, and
  college-level rocketry squads from 23 states; the middle and high
  school teams qualified for the competition by finishing among the
  top 25 at the Team America Rocketry Challenge in Washington, D.C.,
  and their acceptance was based on a proposal detailing their
  rocket's design, recovery system, payload, safety measures, and
  educational engagement plans; the Flying Lions were one of only
  three middle and high school teams selected from Texas, and the
  group was named the preliminary winner of the Rocket Fair Display
  Award in its division at the Student Launch challenge; and
         WHEREAS, With advice from engineers at Raytheon and Emerson
  Electric, the team completed several technical design reviews via
  videoconference with NASA engineers during the school year as the
  students progressed through the design and build stages of their
  project; the end result was a 10-foot-tall 50-pound rocket that can
  reach a speed of 370 miles per hour and an altitude of one mile and
  can land safely by parachute for reuse; and
         WHEREAS, By creating a functional rocket in the NASA Student
  Launch, the members of the Flying Lions have broadened their
  knowledge in the vital areas of science, technology, engineering,
  and math while also experiencing the rewards of meeting a
  challenging goal, and they may indeed take pride in their
  impressive achievement; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate the McKinney High School Flying
  Lions Rocketry Team on becoming the preliminary winner of the
  Rocket Fair Display Award at the 2017 NASA Student Launch and extend
  to the team's members sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the Flying Lions as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.