85R25141 KID-D
  By: Ashby H.R. No. 1654
         WHEREAS, Twenty-seven Texas A&M University students are
  providing valuable support to the 85th Texas Legislature while
  gaining experience in public service as members of the Agricultural
  and Natural Resources Policy Internship Program and the Public
  Policy Internship Program; and
         WHEREAS, For more than two and a half decades, the
  Agricultural and Natural Resources Policy Internship Program has
  sent student interns to Austin and Washington, D.C., where they
  work on a wide array of issues; their strong background and interest
  in agriculture and natural resources allow them to offer
  specialized knowledge to legislators; the program was founded in
  response to a request by a member of the United States Congress for
  an intern who could assist his office with these matters, and it has
  since grown to include numerous congressional offices as well as
  the United States House of Representatives Committee on
  Agriculture, the United States Department of Agriculture, and
  offices on the state level during legislative years; approximately
  900 students have participated in semester-long internships; and
         WHEREAS, The Public Policy Internship Program, established
  in 1999, works with various colleges and departments to create an
  interdisciplinary environment for comprehensive academic training,
  research, and policy programming; interns in the nation's capital
  and in Austin serve in a variety of settings that align with their
  academic and professional goals; some 700 students have
  participated in semester-long internships; and
         WHEREAS, Led by director Stephanie McMillen, both internship
  programs select their highly qualified and dedicated participants
  through a rigorous application process; in addition to academic
  achievement, students must demonstrate their potential to take full
  advantage of the opportunities for scholarly and professional
  development as well as the desire to serve our state and nation; and
         WHEREAS, The 2017 Texas A&M University policy interns serving
  in Austin are Sarabeth Beauchamp, Chloe Beck, Ethan Boyd, Jordan
  Buish, Gregory Cline, Samantha Durand, Alexandra Espinosa, Austin
  Halvorson, Julia Hamilton, Dominique Hawkins, Christopher Johnson,
  Allison Kesseler, Michael Marucci, Kenneth McIntyre, Lauren
  Meents, Devin Miranda Pallares, Matthew Murdoch, Siddhi Patodia,
  MiaMarie Pugh, Abigael Romero, Lindsey Schmalriede, Jena
  Seidemann, Jordyn Senkirik, Stephen Shuchart, Valentina Tovar,
  Taryn Woody, and Cassidy Zgabay; and
         WHEREAS, Through the years, the Agricultural and Natural
  Resources Policy and Public Policy Internship Programs have helped
  exceptional students deepen their understanding of governmental
  operations while developing professional skills and networks, and
  alumni have gone on to make vital contributions and assume
  leadership roles in a variety of arenas; the outstanding young
  people who are giving of their time and talents throughout this
  legislative session can indeed take pride in their achievements and
  service to the Lone Star State; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize the Texas A&M University Agricultural
  and Natural Resources Policy Internship Program and the Public
  Policy Internship Program and commend the current participants for
  their diligence and commitment; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the students as an expression of high regard from the
  Texas House of Representatives.