85R17579 JH-D
  By: Herrero H.R. No. 1655
         WHEREAS, Proud Aggies will forever remember the life and
  achievements of distinguished Texas A&M University alumnus Homer T.
  Martinez, who passed away on September 11, 1993; and
         WHEREAS, Born in San Diego, Texas, in 1912, Mr. Martinez was
  recruited to A&M by the legendary "Pinky" Wilson, who penned the
  "Aggie War Hymn"; a member of the Corps of Cadets, Mr. Martinez was
  cadet captain of Company D and executive officer of the First
  Battalion, and he earned distinction as the Best Drilled Man in the
  Corps; he was also a member of the T Association, as well as an
  outfielder and pitcher for the Aggie baseball team, helping to
  clinch the 1934 Southwest Conference championship; he graduated
  from the School of Veterinary Medicine in 1937; and
         WHEREAS, Answering his nation's call to duty during World War
  II, Dr. Martinez enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1941 and served with
  the Veterinary Corps in the Burma Theater; he was discharged in 1945
  at the rank of captain; his younger brother, Ed, lost his life in
  the European Theater and is among those honored with a plaque in the
  A&M Memorial Student Center; and
         WHEREAS, After the war, Dr. Martinez settled in
  Hebbronville, where he maintained a veterinary practice; he often
  donated his services to clients who could not afford to pay, and he
  was regularly consulted by the veterinarian at nearby King Ranch;
  working with his father and uncle, he was a rancher himself and was
  renowned for his expertise in animal genetics and nutrition; the
  ranch herd he developed produced a Reserve Grand Champion steer at
  the San Antonio Livestock Show in 1959 that was raised and shown by
  his nephew Arnoldo Martinez Jr., and Dr. Martinez raised a
  successful racehorse, Tonto Parr, which won races in Texas, New
  Mexico, and California; highly respected for the quality of his
  horses, he often sold them to the Mexican military for the purposes
  of equestrian competition; and
         WHEREAS, In 1963, Dr. Martinez was elected county judge and
  served for 16 years, in addition to holding the office of school
  superintendent ex officio; under his leadership, the county
  improved its roads and built new schools, an airport, and a public
  swimming pool; he was featured in the publication ¡Siempre!, which
  celebrated the contributions of Hispanic students, faculty, and
  staff at Texas A&M over the course of 130 years, and he was
  posthumously inducted into the Latin American International Sports
  Hall of Fame in Laredo in 1995; and
         WHEREAS, A devoted family man, Dr. Martinez enjoyed a 57-year
  marriage with his wife, Beatrice, and he was the proud father of a
  daughter, Diana, and three sons who all attended Texas A&M, Homer,
  Ed, and Joe, as did his grandson, Homer Martinez III; and
         WHEREAS, Homer Martinez lived a full and generous life in the
  service of his community, his nation, and his beloved alma mater,
  and his contributions will resonate for years to come; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life and legacy of Homer T.