H.R. No. 1928
         WHEREAS, Clarissa Milner, a senior at Earl Warren High School
  in San Antonio, has enlisted in the United States Marine Corps, and
  her experiences during the enlistment process have helped inspire
  the filing of Senate Bill 1152 during the 85th Texas Legislature;
         WHEREAS, Determined to serve her nation after she graduates,
  Ms. Milner took three days off from school during December 2016 to
  take the oath of enlistment and to complete other requirements;
  these absences were counted against her attendance record, as Texas
  law does not permit missing school for such a purpose, even though
  high school students are allowed up to two days of absences to visit
  college campuses; and
         WHEREAS, Ms. Milner's story gained the attention of Texas
  State Senator José Menéndez, who subsequently introduced S.B. 1152
  to address the issue; the legislation would allow students 17 years
  of age or older to miss up to four days of school for the purpose of
  pursuing enlistment in a branch of the U.S. armed services or the
  Texas National Guard; in support of the bill, Ms. Milner traveled
  to the State Capitol on March 8, 2017, to testify before the Senate
  Committee on Veteran Affairs and Border Security; and
         WHEREAS, Clarissa Milner is the daughter of Marissa Milner;
  in choosing to join the armed forces, she is following in the
  footsteps of her mother, who has proudly served as a member of the
  U.S. Marines; and
         WHEREAS, This notable young Texan has demonstrated an
  exceptional commitment not only to defending her country but also
  to assisting other students considering military careers, and she
  is truly deserving of special recognition for her efforts; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend Clarissa Milner for enlisting in the
  U.S. Marine Corps and for her part in inspiring Texas Senate Bill
  1152; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Ms. Milner as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.
Straus Goldman Oliverson
Allen Gonzales of Williamson Ortega
Alonzo González of El Paso Paddie
Alvarado Gooden Parker
Anchia Guerra Paul
Anderson of Dallas Guillen Perez
Anderson of McLennan Gutierrez Phelan
Arévalo Hefner Phillips
Ashby Hernandez Pickett
Bailes Herrero Price
Bell Hinojosa Raney
Bernal Holland Raymond
Biedermann Howard Reynolds
Blanco Huberty Rinaldi
Bohac Hunter Roberts
Bonnen of Brazoria Isaac Rodriguez of Bexar
Bonnen of Galveston Israel Rodriguez of Travis
Burkett Johnson of Dallas Romero, Jr.
Burns Johnson of Harris Rose
Burrows Kacal Sanford
Button Keough Schaefer
Cain King of Hemphill Schofield
Canales King of Parker Schubert
Capriglione King of Uvalde Shaheen
Clardy Klick Sheffield
Coleman Koop Shine
Collier Krause Simmons
Cook Kuempel Smithee
Cortez Lambert Springer
Cosper Landgraf Stephenson
Craddick Lang Stickland
Cyrier Larson Stucky
Dale Laubenberg Swanson
Darby Leach Thierry
Davis of Dallas Longoria Thompson of Brazoria
Davis of Harris Lozano Thompson of Harris
Dean Lucio III Tinderholt
Deshotel Martinez Turner
Dukes Metcalf Uresti
Dutton Meyer VanDeaver
Elkins Miller Villalba
Faircloth Minjarez Vo
Fallon Moody Walle
Farrar Morrison White
Flynn Muñoz, Jr. Wilson
Frank Murphy Workman
Frullo Murr Wray
Geren Neave Wu
Gervin-Hawkins Nevárez Zedler
Giddings Oliveira Zerwas
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 1928 was adopted by the House on May 5,
  2017, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House