85R29650 KID-D
  By: Thompson of Harris H.R. No. 2069
         WHEREAS, Margie Derouen Provost celebrated her 90th birthday
  on May 13, 2017, and this occasion provides a welcome opportunity
  for family and friends to express the love and affection they hold
  for her; and
         WHEREAS, Born in 1927, Mrs. Provost shared a fulfilling
  marriage with her husband, Wilson Joseph Provost, before his
  passing, and she is the mother of four children, Lorraine Butler,
  Joseph Allen Provost, Judy Thomas, and Brenda Faye McCall; and
         WHEREAS, Mrs. Provost enjoys spending time with her family,
  which has grown to include grandchildren and great-grandchildren;
  she takes trips with her daughters, visits relatives in Louisiana,
  and spends nights at her sister-in-law's home; in addition, she
  likes to cook for her loved ones as well as dine out with them, and
  she takes pleasure in baking cakes and cookies for her circle of
  admirers; she makes candy as well, and after a family vote, it has
  been determined that hers is the best; and
         WHEREAS, A woman of faith, Mrs. Provost attends church
  regularly, says her rosary, and reads the Bible; she also takes care
  of Gia, the family pet, although she would perhaps sometimes rather
  be watching Judge Judy or going to the movies or the casino; given
  her august status as the matriarch of the family, it is no doubt
  fitting that her favorite color is royal blue; and
         WHEREAS, Blessed with a devoted family and admiring friends,
  Margie Derouen Provost is a source of joy and inspiration to all who
  have the great privilege of knowing her and sharing in the richness
  of her life; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Margie Derouen Provost on the
  occasion of her 90th birthday and extend to her sincere best wishes
  for continued happiness; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mrs. Provost as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.