85R28851(1) RMA-D
  By: Springer H.R. No. 2100
         WHEREAS, Connor Wolfe has made valuable contributions to the
  Graham High School Rocketeer Steers team, which placed third in the
  StellarXplorers III National High School Space Challenge held in
  Colorado April 6-8, 2017; and
         WHEREAS, Established by the Air Force Association,
  StellarXplorers helps promote student engagement in science,
  technology, engineering, and mathematics through a challenging
  space-system design competition; the contest began in October 2016
  with more than 130 teams registered from 30 states and 2 overseas
  locations, and Graham High School advanced to the national event
  after outstanding showings in the qualifying and semifinals rounds;
         WHEREAS, In the finals, the squad faced off against nine
  other teams, completing an exercise that involved meeting a set of
  space-mission requirements; the Rocketeer Steers had eight hours to
  define an optimal satellite orbit, select spacecraft components,
  and choose rocket boosters, and the next day, they presented a
  briefing about their solution to a panel of expert judges; and
         WHEREAS, With her team's third-place finish, Ms. Wolfe
  received an educational grant sponsored by the U.S. Air Force STEM
  Program and the United Launch Alliance; after graduating in May
  2017, she plans to attend Oklahoma State University and study civil
  engineering; and
         WHEREAS, Through her fine performance on the national stage,
  this notable young Texan has garnered the respect of her classmates
  and fellow competitors, and the confidence, skills, and experience
  she has gained in the StellarXplorers program will be of great use
  to her in her future endeavors; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Connor Wolfe on placing third in
  the 2017 StellarXplorers III National High School Space Challenge
  as a member of the Graham High School Rocketeer Steers and extend to
  her sincere best wishes for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Ms. Wolfe as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.