H.R. No. 2116
         WHEREAS, A number of talented young men and women have
  provided indispensable support as legislative interns in the office
  of State Representative Eric Johnson during the 85th Legislative
  Session; and
         WHEREAS, Since joining the staff, these young Texans have
  handled a wide variety of challenging tasks, including reading,
  analyzing, and researching bills and addressing the needs of
  constituents; in addition to gaining valuable experience in the
  field of public service, they have learned more about the
  legislative process and the issues facing citizens of the Lone Star
  State; and
         WHEREAS, Helene Barnes, the daughter of Carol Greenfield and
  Walton Barnes II and the stepdaughter of Keith Nordyke, is
  currently pursuing a master's degree in educational administration
  from The University of Texas at Austin; following her studies, she
  looks forward to a career as an educational policy analyst or
  consultant; and
         WHEREAS, Andres Cerecero, the son of Jaime and Mirna
  Cerecero, is a senior at UT-Austin, where he is earning his
  bachelor's degree in government with a minor in Japanese; after
  graduation, he plans to teach English in Japan for a year before
  continuing his education at law school; and
         WHEREAS, The daughter of Jeff Dominguez and Stephanie Lara,
  Brianna Dominguez is a sophomore at Texas A&M University; after
  completing her bachelor's degree in business marketing, she hopes
  to either go on to earn her master's degree or to start her own
  business; and
         WHEREAS, Aidan O'Neil, the son of Kelly and Holly O'Neil, is a
  sophomore studying government and economics at UT-Austin; he plans
  to continue his education at law school after completing his
  bachelor's degree; and
         WHEREAS, A freshman at St. Edward's University, Alejandro
  Izaguirre is the son of Dilcia Maribel Brizuela and Maynor Bernardo
  Izaguirre; he is currently pursuing his bachelor's degree in
  political science, and he plans to participate in the Teach for
  America program; and
         WHEREAS, The daughter of Lamesha Roberts-Williams and
  Michael Archie, Amahree Archie is a sophomore at UT-Austin, where
  she is working toward a degree in government with a minor in African
  and African diaspora studies; she hopes to attend law school in the
  future; and
         WHEREAS, Jacob Kowalski, the son of Kenneth Kowalski and
  Willa Schlecht, is currently pursuing a master's degree in the
  Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs at UT-Austin; after
  completing the program, he looks forward to a career in local
  government; and
         WHEREAS, A senior at UT-Austin, Andi Leacock-Williams is the
  daughter of Michael and Merle Bigini; she is working toward a
  bachelor's degree in government and plans to continue her education
  by pursuing graduate work in global policy studies and
  international law; and
         WHEREAS, Louisa Xie, the daughter of Qian Hu and Yiqiang Xie,
  is currently a sophomore at UT-Dallas, where she studies
  biochemistry; after graduation, she hopes to attend medical school;
         WHEREAS, The members of this notable group have performed
  their duties as legislative interns with great skill and diligence,
  and they are indeed deserving of special recognition for their fine
  work; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend the legislative interns who have served
  in the office of State Representative Eric Johnson and extend to
  them sincere best wishes for continued success in all their
  endeavors; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That official copies of this resolution be prepared
  for Ms. Barnes, Mr. Cerecero, Ms. Dominguez, Mr. O'Neil,
  Mr. Izaguirre, Ms. Archie, Mr. Kowalski, Ms. Leacock-Williams,
  and Ms. Xie as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of
  Johnson of Dallas
Straus Goldman Oliverson
Allen Gonzales of Williamson Ortega
Alonzo González of El Paso Paddie
Alvarado Gooden Parker
Anchia Guerra Paul
Anderson of Dallas Guillen Perez
Anderson of McLennan Gutierrez Phelan
Arévalo Hefner Phillips
Ashby Hernandez Pickett
Bailes Herrero Price
Bell Hinojosa Raney
Bernal Holland Raymond
Biedermann Howard Reynolds
Blanco Huberty Rinaldi
Bohac Hunter Roberts
Bonnen of Brazoria Isaac Rodriguez of Bexar
Bonnen of Galveston Israel Rodriguez of Travis
Burkett Johnson of Dallas Romero, Jr.
Burns Johnson of Harris Rose
Burrows Kacal Sanford
Button Keough Schaefer
Cain King of Hemphill Schofield
Canales King of Parker Schubert
Capriglione King of Uvalde Shaheen
Clardy Klick Sheffield
Coleman Koop Shine
Collier Krause Simmons
Cook Kuempel Smithee
Cortez Lambert Springer
Cosper Landgraf Stephenson
Craddick Lang Stickland
Cyrier Larson Stucky
Dale Laubenberg Swanson
Darby Leach Thierry
Davis of Dallas Longoria Thompson of Brazoria
Davis of Harris Lozano Thompson of Harris
Dean Lucio III Tinderholt
Deshotel Martinez Turner
Dukes Metcalf Uresti
Dutton Meyer VanDeaver
Elkins Miller Villalba
Faircloth Minjarez Vo
Fallon Moody Walle
Farrar Morrison White
Flynn Muñoz, Jr. Wilson
Frank Murphy Workman
Frullo Murr Wray
Geren Neave Wu
Gervin-Hawkins Nevárez Zedler
Giddings Oliveira Zerwas
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 2116 was adopted by the House on May 18,
  2017, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House