85R30048 CJM-D
  By: Craddick H.R. No. 2226
         WHEREAS, Eddie Lee, the superintendent of Midland Christian
  School, received an honorary doctorate from Abilene Christian
  University on May 1, 2017; and
         WHEREAS, The university awards honorary doctorates to
  individuals who have exemplified leadership and service to the
  community throughout their lifetime; the 85th recipient of this
  notable honor, Mr. Lee was recognized for shaping the lives of
  countless young Texans during his 42 years in education; and
         WHEREAS, This esteemed administrator began his career in
  1975, when he accepted a position at Midland Christian School;
  after teaching math and science for five years, he was named the
  school's principal, and he went on to become superintendent in
  1985; over the course of his notable tenure, he has earned a
  reputation for going above and beyond the duties of his position;
         WHEREAS, Mr. Lee holds a bachelor's degree from Lubbock
  Christian University and a master's degree from The University of
  Texas of the Permian Basin; in all his endeavors, he enjoys the love
  and support of his wife, Carol, and his son, Jared, who have both
  joined him in working at Midland Christian School; and
         WHEREAS, Over the years, Eddie Lee has exemplified the
  highest ideals of his profession, fostering a positive, faith-based
  environment for students while working to equip them with a sound
  academic foundation on which to build, and he is indeed deserving of
  this most recent accolade; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Eddie Lee on his receipt of an
  honorary doctorate from Abilene Christian University and extend to
  him sincere best wishes for continued success with his important
  work; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Lee as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.