85R34318 BPG-D
  By: González of El Paso H.R. No. 2704
         WHEREAS, The cotton industry lost an admired leader with the
  passing of Bill Lovelady of El Paso on January 29, 2017, at the age
  of 70; and
         WHEREAS, Born in El Paso on February 27, 1946, Bill Lovelady
  was the son of Dan and Louise Lovelady; he grew up in Acala and
  completed his bachelor's degree in journalism at The University of
  Texas at El Paso; he began farming cotton in 1973 and practiced
  cutting-edge conservation methods in his fields in El Paso and
  Hudspeth Counties; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Lovelady was dedicated to his industry and
  helped shape the nation's agricultural policy through his
  leadership in professional organizations; he traveled to many
  countries promoting American cotton, and he was president of the
  National Cotton Council at a crucial juncture; over the years, he
  served the group in numerous capacities, including advisor to the
  board, member of the Operations Committee, and chair of the
  Beltwide Cotton Conference Steering Committee; he was also chair of
  Supima and president of the Texas Association of Cotton Producer
  Organizations and of the El Paso Valley Cotton Producers
  Association; among myriad accolades, he received the 2009 Harry S.
  Baker Distinguished Service Award from the NCC and the 2015
  Southwest Farm Press High Cotton Award; and
         WHEREAS, Active in his community as well, Mr. Lovelady was a
  director for First National Bank and WestStar Bank and gave
  generously of his time and expertise to a number of other boards; he
  served First United Methodist Church of Fabens as a lay leader and
  as president of the administrative board; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Lovelady shared a fulfilling marriage of 47
  years with the love of his life, Suzie Lovelady, and he was the
  proud father of a son, Ty, and a daughter, LeAnn; kind, sincere, and
  thoughtful, with a genial manner and warm smile for all, he enjoyed
  a host of long friendships, and he was a mainstay of the daily
  circles at the coffee shops in Fabens and Fort Hancock; and
         WHEREAS, Although Bill Lovelady is deeply missed by all who
  were fortunate enough to share in the richness of his life, he will
  forever hold a special place in their hearts; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Bill Lovelady and
  extend sincere condolences to all who mourn his passing; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Bill