85R2768 JTS-D
  By: Huffines S.B. No. 113
  relating to the provision of and local regulation of certain
  for-hire passenger transportation.
         SECTION 1.  Article 62.063(b), Code of Criminal Procedure,
  is amended to read as follows:
         (b)  A person subject to registration under this chapter
  because of a reportable conviction or adjudication for which an
  affirmative finding is entered under Article 42.015(b) or
  42A.105(a), as appropriate, may not, for compensation:
               (1)  operate or offer to operate a bus;
               (2)  provide or offer to provide passenger
  transportation through:
                     (A)  a street-hail [passenger] taxicab service;
                     (B)  a prearranged [or] limousine or other car
  transportation service; or
                     (C)  a prearranged ride through an online-enabled
  application, software, website, or system designed to connect
  passengers with drivers;
               (3)  provide or offer to provide any type of service in
  the residence of another person unless the provision of service
  will be supervised; or
               (4)  operate or offer to operate any amusement ride.
         SECTION 2.  Section 215.004, Local Government Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
  TRANSPORTATION PROHIBITED. A [(a) To protect the public health,
  safety, and welfare, a] municipality may not license, control, or
  otherwise regulate a person who, for compensation:
               (1)  provides passenger transportation using a vehicle
  designed to accommodate 15 or fewer passengers, including a person
  who provides:
                     (A)  street-hail taxicab services;
                     (B)  prearranged limousine or other car
  transportation services; or
                     (C)  prearranged rides through an online-enabled
  application, software, website, or system designed to connect
  passengers with drivers; or
               (2)  operates an online-enabled application, software,
  website, or system designed to connect passengers with drivers. [by
               [(1)     shall license, control, and otherwise regulate
  each private passenger vehicle, regardless of how it is propelled,
  that provides passenger taxicab transportation services for
  compensation and is designed for carrying no more than eight
  passengers; and
               [(2)     may license, control, and otherwise regulate each
  private passenger vehicle, regardless of how it is propelled, that
  provides passenger limousine transportation services for
  compensation and is designed for carrying no more than 15
         [(a-1)     Subsection (a) applies to a taxicab or limousine
  service that is operated:
               [(1)  within the jurisdiction of the municipality;
               [(2)     on property owned by the municipality, singly or
  jointly with one or more other municipalities or public agencies;
               [(3)     on property in which the municipality possesses
  an ownership interest; or
               [(4)     by transporting from the municipality, municipal
  property, or property in which the municipality has an interest and
  returning to it.
         [(b)  The ordinance may include:
               [(1)     regulation of the entry into the business of
  providing passenger taxicab or limousine transportation services,
  including controls, limits, or other restrictions on the total
  number of persons providing the services;
               [(2)     regulation of the rates charged for the provision
  of the services;
               [(3)     establishment of safety and insurance
  requirements; and
               [(4)     any other requirement adopted to ensure safe and
  reliable passenger transportation service.
         [(c)     In regulating passenger taxicab or limousine
  transportation services under this section, a municipality is
  performing a governmental function. A municipality may carry out
  the provisions of this section to the extent the governing body of
  the municipality considers it necessary or appropriate.
         [(d)     The provisions of this section relating to the
  regulation of limousine transportation services apply only to a
  municipality with a population of more than 1.9 million.]
         SECTION 3.  Section 215.073, Local Government Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 215.073.  VEHICLES [FOR HIRE]. Except as provided by
  Section 215.004, a [The] municipality may license, fix the charges
  or fares made by, or otherwise regulate any person who owns,
  operates, or controls any type of vehicle used on the public streets
  or alleys of the municipality for carrying passengers or freight
  for compensation.
         SECTION 4.  Section 22.082, Transportation Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 22.082.  RULES. A resolution, rule, or order of a joint
  board dealing with a subject authorized by Section 22.014 [or
  22.081] is effective only on approval of the governing authorities
  of the constituent agencies. On approval, a resolution, rule, or
  order of the joint board has the same effect in the territories or
  jurisdictions involved as an ordinance, resolution, rule, or order
  of the public agency would have in its own territory or
         SECTION 5.  Section 22.081, Transportation Code, is
         SECTION 6.  (a)  The change in law made by this Act in
  amending Article 62.063, Code of Criminal Procedure, applies only
  to a person who is required to register under Chapter 62, Code of
  Criminal Procedure, on the basis of a conviction or adjudication
  for an offense committed on or after the effective date of this Act.
  An offense committed before the effective date of this Act is
  governed by the law in effect on the date the offense was committed,
  and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         (b)  A person who is required to register under Chapter 62,
  Code of Criminal Procedure, solely on the basis of a conviction or
  adjudication that occurs before the effective date of this Act is
  governed by the law in effect when the conviction or adjudication
  occurred, and the former law is continued in effect for that
         SECTION 7.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2017.