By: Whitmire  S.B. No. 291
         (In the Senate - Filed December 13, 2016; January 30, 2017,
  read first time and referred to Committee on Criminal Justice;
  March 29, 2017, reported adversely, with favorable Committee
  Substitute by the following vote:  Yeas 8, Nays 0, 1 present not
  voting; March 29, 2017, sent to printer.)
Click here to see the committee vote
  relating to the issuance of a writ of attachment for certain
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 2, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
  amended by adding Article 2.212 to read as follows:
         Art. 2.212.  WRIT OF ATTACHMENT REPORTING. Not later than
  the 30th day after the date a writ of attachment is issued in a
  district court, statutory county court, or county court, the clerk
  of the court shall report to the Texas Judicial Council:
               (1)  the date the attachment was issued; 
               (2)  whether the attachment was issued in connection
  with a grand jury investigation, criminal trial, or other criminal
               (3)  the names of the person requesting and the judge
  issuing the attachment; and
               (4)  the statutory authority under which the attachment
  was issued.
         SECTION 2.  Article 24.011, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
  amended by adding Subsection (b-1) to read as follows:
         (b-1)  If the defendant or the attorney representing the
  state requests the issuance of an attachment under this article,
  other than an attachment for a witness described by Subsection (c),
  the request must include the applicable affidavit described by
  Article 24.12.
         SECTION 3.  Chapter 24, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
  amended by adding Article 24.111 to read as follows:
  WRITS OF ATTACHMENT. (a)  This article applies only to an
  attachment that is requested to be issued under:
               (1)  Article 24.011, if an affidavit is required under
  Article 24.011(b-1); or
               (2)  Article 24.12, 24.14, or 24.22.
         (b)  Notwithstanding any other law, a writ of attachment to
  which this article applies may only be issued by the judge of the
  court in which the witness is to testify if the judge determines,
  after a hearing, that the issuance of the attachment is in the best
  interest of justice.
         (c)  In making a determination under Subsection (b), the
  judge shall consider the affidavit of the attorney representing the
  state or the defendant, as applicable, that was submitted with the
  request for the issuance of the attachment.
         (d)  The court shall appoint an attorney to represent the
  witness at the hearing under Subsection (b), including a hearing
  conducted outside the presence of the witness.
         SECTION 4.  Article 24.12, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Art. 24.12.  WHEN ATTACHMENT MAY ISSUE. When a witness who
  resides in the county of the prosecution has been duly served with a
  subpoena to appear and testify in any criminal action or proceeding
  fails to so appear, the attorney representing the state [State] or
  the defendant may request that the court issue an attachment [shall
  be entitled to have an attachment issued forthwith] for the [such]
  witness. The request must be filed with the clerk of the court and
  must include an affidavit of the attorney representing the state or
  the defendant, as applicable, stating that the affiant has good
  reason to believe, and does believe, that the witness is a material
         SECTION 5.  Article 24.14, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
  amended to read as follows:
  (a)  Regardless of whether the witness has disobeyed a subpoena, if
  [When] a witness who resides in the county of the prosecution may be
  about to move out of the county, [whether he has disobeyed a
  subpoena or not, either in term-time or vacation, upon the filing of
  an affidavit with the clerk by] the defendant or the attorney
  representing the state may request that the court issue an
  attachment for the witness.  The request must be filed with the
  clerk of the court and must include the applicable affidavit
  described by Article 24.12, except that the affidavit must
  additionally state [State's counsel,] that the affiant [he] has
  good reason to believe, and does believe, that the [such] witness
  [is a material witness, and] is about to move out of the county.
         (b)  If an attachment is issued under this article in a[, the
  clerk shall forthwith issue an attachment for such witness;
  provided, that in] misdemeanor case [cases], when the witness makes
  oath that the witness [he] cannot give surety, the officer
  executing the attachment shall take the witness's [his] personal
         SECTION 6.  Article 24.22, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Art. 24.22.  WITNESS FINED AND ATTACHED. (a)  If a witness
  summoned from outside [without] the county refuses to obey a
  subpoena, the witness [he] shall be fined by the court or magistrate
  not exceeding five hundred dollars, which fine and judgment shall
  be final, unless set aside after due notice to show cause why it
  should not be final, which notice may immediately issue, requiring
  the defaulting witness to appear at once or at the next term of the
  [said] court, in the discretion of the magistrate issuing the
  subpoena [judge], to answer for the [such] default.
         (b)  At the time a fine is imposed under Subsection (a), on
  request of the defendant or the attorney representing the state,
  the [The] court may cause to be issued [at the same time] an
  attachment for the [said] witness, directed to the proper county,
  commanding the officer to whom the attachment [said writ] is
  directed to take the [said] witness into custody and have the
  witness [him] before the [said] court at the time specified [named]
  in the attachment [said writ]; in which case the [such] witness
  shall receive no fees, unless it appears to the court that the
  [such] disobedience is excusable, when the witness may receive the
  same pay as if the witness [he] had not been attached.
         (c)  A request for the issuance of an attachment under
  Subsection (b) must include the applicable affidavit described by
  Article 24.12.
         (d)  The [Said] fine when made final and all related costs
  [thereon] shall be collected in the same manner as in other criminal
  cases. The [Said] fine and judgment may be set aside in vacation or
  at the time or any subsequent term of the court for good cause
  shown, after the witness testifies or has been discharged.
         (e)  The following words shall be written or printed on the
  face of a [such] subpoena for an out-of-county witness [out-county
  witnesses]: "A disobedience of this subpoena is punishable by fine
  not exceeding five hundred dollars, to be collected as fines and
  costs in other criminal cases."
         SECTION 7.  Chapter 24, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
  amended by adding Articles 24.221 and 24.222 to read as follows:
         Art. 24.221.  AFFIDAVIT REGARDING CONFINEMENT. As soon as
  practicable after the sheriff takes custody of a witness pursuant
  to an attachment issued as provided by Article 24.111, the sheriff
  shall submit an affidavit to the issuing court stating that the
  sheriff has taken custody of the witness.
  witness who has been confined for five or more days pursuant to an
  attachment issued as provided by Article 24.111 may request a
  hearing in the issuing court regarding whether the continued
  confinement of the witness is necessary. The court shall grant the
  request and hold the hearing as soon as practicable.
         (b)  Any subsequent request for a hearing may be granted only
  if the court determines that holding the hearing is in the best
  interest of justice.
         (c)  The attorney appointed for the witness under Article
  24.111 shall represent the witness at a hearing under this article.
         SECTION 8.  Section 71.034(e), Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (e)  In addition to the information described by Subsection
  (a), the council shall include in the report a summary of
  information provided to the council during the preceding year under
  Articles [Article] 2.211 and 2.212, Code of Criminal Procedure.
         SECTION 9.  The change in law made by this Act applies only
  to a writ of attachment issued on or after the effective date of
  this Act. A writ of attachment issued before the effective date of
  this Act is governed by the law in effect on the date the writ was
  issued, and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 10.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2017.
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