85R1263 ADM-D
  By: Perry S.B. No. 420
  relating to a partial exemption for a county from taxes imposed on
  gasoline and diesel fuel purchased for the county's exclusive use.
         SECTION 1.  Section 162.104, Tax Code, is amended by adding
  Subsection (g) to read as follows:
         (g)  Subject to the limitation prescribed by this
  subsection, the tax imposed by this subchapter does not apply to
  gasoline sold to a county in this state for the county's exclusive
  use. The total amount of exemptions to which a county is entitled
  under this subsection and Section 162.204(h) combined may not
  exceed $50,000 in a year. A county entitled to the exemption under
  this subsection must pay the tax imposed by this subchapter and may
  claim a refund of the amount of the tax paid in accordance with
  Section 162.125(g-3).
         SECTION 2.  Section 162.125, Tax Code, is amended by adding
  Subsection (g-3) to read as follows:
         (g-3)  A county that paid tax on the purchase of gasoline
  that is exempt from the tax under Section 162.104(g) is entitled to
  a refund of the tax paid, subject to the limitation prescribed by
  that section. The county may file a refund claim with the
  comptroller for the amount of tax paid.
         SECTION 3.  Section 162.204, Tax Code, is amended by adding
  Subsection (h) to read as follows:
         (h)  Subject to the limitation prescribed by this
  subsection, the tax imposed by this subchapter does not apply to
  diesel fuel sold to a county in this state for the county's
  exclusive use. The total amount of exemptions to which a county is
  entitled under this subsection and Section 162.104(g) combined may
  not exceed $50,000 in a year. A county entitled to the exemption
  under this subsection must pay the tax imposed by this subchapter
  and may claim a refund of the amount of the tax paid in accordance
  with Section 162.227(f-3).
         SECTION 4.  Section 162.227, Tax Code, is amended by adding
  Subsection (f-3) to read as follows:
         (f-3)  A county that paid tax on the purchase of diesel fuel
  that is exempt from the tax under Section 162.204(h) is entitled to
  a refund of the tax paid, subject to the limitation prescribed by
  that section. The county may file a refund claim with the
  comptroller for the amount of tax paid.
         SECTION 5.  The change in law made by this Act does not
  affect tax liability accruing before the effective date of this
  Act. That liability continues in effect as if this Act had not been
  enacted, and the former law is continued in effect for the
  collection of taxes due and for civil and criminal enforcement of
  the liability for those taxes.
         SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect January 1, 2018.