85R30576 LED/KFF-D
  By: Buckingham S.B. No. 894
  (Muñoz, Jr.)
  Substitute the following for S.B. No. 894:  No.
  relating to the Health and Human Services Commission's auditing of
  Medicaid managed care organizations and auditing and collection of
  Medicaid payments, including the commission's management of audit
         SECTION 1.  Section 531.024172, Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
  Subsection (g), [In this section, "acute nursing services" has the
  meaning assigned by Section 531.02417.
         [(b)  If it is cost-effective and feasible,] the commission
  shall, in accordance with federal law, implement an electronic
  visit verification system to electronically verify [and document,]
  through a telephone, global positioning, or computer-based system
  that personal care services or attendant care services provided to
  recipients under Medicaid, including personal care services or
  attendant care services provided under the Texas Health Care
  Transformation and Quality Improvement Program waiver issued under
  Section 1115 of the federal Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section
  1315) or any other Medicaid waiver program, are provided to
  recipients in accordance with a prior authorization or plan of
  care. The electronic visit verification system implemented under
  this subsection must allow for verification of only the following[,
  basic] information relating to the delivery of Medicaid [acute
  nursing] services[, including]:
               (1)  the type of service provided [the provider's
               (2)  the name of the recipient to whom the service is
  provided [the recipient's name]; [and]
               (3)  the date and times [time] the provider began
  [begins] and ended the [ends each] service delivery visit;
               (4)  the location, including the address, at which the
  service was provided;
               (5)  the name of the individual who provided the
  service; and
               (6)  other information the commission determines is
  necessary to ensure the accurate adjudication of Medicaid claims.
         (b)  The commission shall establish minimum requirements for
  third-party entities seeking to provide electronic visit
  verification system services to health care providers providing
  Medicaid services and must certify that a third-party entity
  complies with those minimum requirements before the entity may
  provide electronic visit verification system services to a health
  care provider.
         (c)  The commission shall inform each Medicaid recipient who
  receives personal care services or attendant care services that the
  health care provider providing the services and the recipient are
  each required to comply with the electronic visit verification
  system.  A managed care organization that contracts with the
  commission to provide health care services to Medicaid recipients
  described by this subsection shall also inform recipients enrolled
  in a managed care plan offered by the organization of those
         (d)  In implementing the electronic visit verification
               (1)  subject to Subsection (e), the executive
  commissioner shall adopt compliance standards for health care
  providers; and
               (2)  the commission shall ensure that:
                     (A)  the information required to be reported by
  health care providers is standardized across managed care
  organizations that contract with the commission to provide health
  care services to Medicaid recipients and across commission
  programs; and
                     (B)  time frames for the maintenance of electronic
  visit verification data by health care providers align with claims
  payment time frames.
         (e)  In establishing compliance standards for health care
  providers under this section, the executive commissioner shall
               (1)  the administrative burdens placed on health care
  providers required to comply with the standards; and
               (2)  the benefits of using emerging technologies for
  ensuring compliance, including Internet-based, mobile
  telephone-based, and global positioning-based technologies.
         (f)  A health care provider that provides personal care
  services or attendant care services to Medicaid recipients shall:
               (1)  use an electronic visit verification system to
  document the provision of those services;
               (2)  comply with all documentation requirements
  established by the commission;
               (3)  comply with applicable federal and state laws
  regarding confidentiality of recipients' information;
               (4)  ensure that the commission or the managed care
  organization with which a claim for reimbursement for a service is
  filed may review electronic visit verification system
  documentation related to the claim or obtain a copy of that
  documentation at no charge to the commission or the organization;
               (5)  at any time, allow the commission or a managed care
  organization with which a health care provider contracts to provide
  health care services to recipients enrolled in the organization's
  managed care plan to have direct, on-site access to the electronic
  visit verification system in use by the health care provider.
         (g)  The commission may recognize a health care provider's
  proprietary electronic visit verification system as complying with
  this section and allow the health care provider to use that system
  for a period determined by the commission if the commission
  determines that the system:
               (1)  complies with all necessary data submission,
  exchange, and reporting requirements established under this
               (2)  meets all other standards and requirements
  established under this section; and
               (3)  has been in use by the health care provider since
  at least June 1, 2014.
         (h)  The commission or a managed care organization that
  contracts with the commission to provide health care services to
  Medicaid recipients may not pay a claim for reimbursement for
  personal care services or attendant care services provided to a
  recipient unless the information from the electronic visit
  verification system corresponds with the information contained in
  the claim and the services were provided consistent with a prior
  authorization or plan of care.  A previously paid claim is subject
  to retrospective review and recoupment if unverified.
         (i)  The commission shall create a stakeholder work group
  comprised of representatives of affected health care providers,
  managed care organizations, and Medicaid recipients and
  periodically solicit from that work group input regarding the
  ongoing operation of the electronic visit verification system under
  this section.
         (j)  The executive commissioner may adopt rules necessary to
  implement this section.
         SECTION 2.  Section 531.120, Government Code, is amended by
  adding Subsection (c) to read as follows:
         (c)  The commission shall provide the notice required by
  Subsection (a) to a provider that is a hospital not later than the
  90th day before the date the overpayment or debt that is the subject
  of the notice must be paid.
         SECTION 3.  Chapter 533, Government Code, is amended by
  adding Subchapter B to read as follows:
         Sec. 533.051.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Accounts receivable tracking system" means the
  system the commission uses to track experience rebates and other
  payments collected from managed care organizations.
               (2)  "Agreed-upon procedures engagement" means an
  evaluation of a managed care organization's financial statistical
  reports or other data conducted by an independent auditing firm
  engaged by the commission as agreed in the managed care
  organization's contract with the commission.
               (3)  "Experience rebate" means the amount a managed
  care organization is required to pay the state according to the
  graduated rebate method described in the managed care
  organization's contract with the commission.
               (4)  "External quality review organization" means an
  organization that performs an external quality review of a managed
  care organization in accordance with 42 C.F.R. Section 438.350.
  SUBCHAPTER. This subchapter does not apply to and may not be
  construed as affecting the conduct of audits by the commission's
  office of inspector general under the authority provided by
  Subchapter C, Chapter 531, including an audit of a managed care
  organization conducted by the office after coordinating the
  office's audit and oversight activities with the commission as
  required by Section 531.102(q), as added by Chapter 837 (S.B. 200),
  Acts of the 84th Legislature, Regular Session, 2015.
  RESOURCES. The commission shall develop and implement an overall
  strategy for planning, managing, and coordinating audit resources
  that the commission uses to verify the accuracy and reliability of
  program and financial information reported by managed care
  FOLLOW-UP.  (a) To improve the commission's processes for
  performance audits of managed care organizations, the commission
               (1)  document the process by which the commission
  selects managed care organizations to audit;
               (2)  include previous audit coverage as a risk factor
  in selecting managed care organizations to audit; and
               (3)  prioritize the highest risk managed care
  organizations to audit.
         (b)  To verify that managed care organizations correct
  negative performance audit findings, the commission shall:
               (1)  establish a process to:
                     (A)  document how the commission follows up on
  negative performance audit findings; and
                     (B)  verify that managed care organizations
  implement performance audit recommendations; and
               (2)  establish and implement policies and procedures
                     (A)  determine under what circumstances the
  commission must issue a corrective action plan to a managed care
  organization based on a performance audit; and
                     (B)  follow up on the managed care organization's
  implementation of the corrective action plan.
  CORRECTIVE ACTION PLANS.  To enhance the commission's use of
  agreed-upon procedures engagements to identify managed care
  organizations' performance and compliance issues, the commission
               (1)  ensure that financial risks identified in
  agreed-upon procedures engagements are adequately and consistently
  addressed; and
               (2)  establish policies and procedures to determine
  under what circumstances the commission must issue a corrective
  action plan based on an agreed-upon procedures engagement.
  obtain greater assurance about the effectiveness of pharmacy
  benefit managers' internal controls and compliance with state
  requirements, the commission shall:
               (1)  periodically audit each pharmacy benefit manager
  that contracts with a managed care organization; and
               (2)  develop, document, and implement a monitoring
  process to ensure that managed care organizations correct and
  resolve negative findings reported in performance audits or
  agreed-upon procedures engagements of pharmacy benefit managers.
  SERVICES. The commission shall develop, document, and implement
  billing processes in the Medicaid and CHIP services department of
  the commission to ensure that managed care organizations reimburse
  the commission for audit-related services as required by contract.
  SHARING. To strengthen the commission's process for collecting
  shared profits from managed care organizations, the commission
  shall develop, document, and implement monitoring processes in the
  Medicaid and CHIP services department of the commission to ensure
  that the commission:
               (1)  identifies experience rebates deposited in the
  commission's suspense account and timely transfers those rebates to
  the appropriate accounts; and
               (2)  timely follows up on and resolves disputes over
  experience rebates claimed by managed care organizations.
  REVIEWS. (a) To enhance the commission's monitoring of managed
  care organizations, the commission shall use the information
  provided by the external quality review organization, including:
               (1)  detailed data from results of surveys of Medicaid
  recipients and, if applicable, child health plan program enrollees,
  caregivers of those recipients and enrollees, and Medicaid and, as
  applicable, child health plan program providers; and
               (2)  the validation results of matching paid claims
  data with medical records.
         (b)  The commission shall document how the commission uses
  the information described by Subsection (a) to monitor managed care
               (1)  strengthen user access controls for the
  commission's accounts receivable tracking system and network
  folders that the commission uses to manage the collection of
  experience rebates;
               (2)  document daily reconciliations of deposits
  recorded in the accounts receivable tracking system to the
  transactions processed in:
                     (A)  the commission's cost accounting system for
  all health and human services agencies; and
                     (B)  the uniform statewide accounting system; and
               (3)  develop, document, and implement a process to
  ensure that the commission formally documents:
                     (A)  all programming changes made to the accounts
  receivable tracking system; and
                     (B)  the authorization and testing of the changes
  described by Paragraph (A).
         SECTION 4.  As soon as practicable after the effective date
  of this Act:
               (1)  the Health and Human Services Commission shall
  implement an electronic visit verification system in accordance
  with Section 531.024172, Government Code, as amended by this Act;
               (2)  the executive commissioner of the Health and Human
  Services Commission shall adopt the rules necessary to implement
  Subchapter B, Chapter 533, Government Code, as added by this Act.
         SECTION 5.  If before implementing any provision of this Act
  a state agency determines that a waiver or authorization from a
  federal agency is necessary for implementation of that provision,
  the agency affected by the provision shall request the waiver or
  authorization and may delay implementing that provision until the
  waiver or authorization is granted.
         SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2017.