85R12612 JSC-D
  By: Garcia S.B. No. 1195
  relating to studies and reports on the prosecution of criminal
  cases involving abusable synthetic substances.
         SECTION 1.  STUDY. (a)  In this section:
               (1)  "Abusable synthetic substance" has the meaning
  assigned by Section 484.001, Health and Safety Code.
               (2)  "Department" means the Department of Public
         (b)  The department shall conduct a study regarding the
  prosecution of criminal cases involving abusable synthetic
         (c)  The study under this section must address:
               (1)  best practices in the prosecution of criminal
  cases involving abusable synthetic substances; and
               (2)  the necessity of and funding for expert witnesses
  in investigations and prosecutions of criminal cases involving
  abusable synthetic substances.
         (d)  The department shall compile a report of the results of
  the study, including any legislative recommendations, and submit
  the report to the legislature not later than January 1, 2019.
         SECTION 2.  JOINT INTERIM COMMITTEE. (a) In this section,
  "abusable synthetic substance" has the meaning assigned by Section
  484.001, Health and Safety Code.
         (b)  A joint interim committee is created to study, review,
  and report on the prosecution of criminal cases involving abusable
  synthetic substances.
         (c)  The joint interim committee shall be composed of three
  senators appointed by the lieutenant governor and three members of
  the house of representatives appointed by the speaker of the house
  of representatives.
         (d)  The lieutenant governor and speaker of the house of
  representatives shall each designate a co-chair from among the
  joint interim committee members.
         (e)  The joint interim committee shall convene at the joint
  call of the co-chairs.
         (f)  The joint interim committee has all other powers and
  duties provided to a special or select committee by the rules of the
  senate and house of representatives, by Subchapter B, Chapter 301,
  Government Code, and by policies of the senate and house committees
  on administration.
         (g)  The joint interim committee shall evaluate:
               (1)  the cost and efficacy of various methods to
  analyze abusable synthetic substances and test persons for the use
  of abusable synthetic substances;
               (2)  public outreach and marketing campaigns that have
  the potential to reduce use of abusable synthetic substances; and
               (3)  the availability and cost of appropriate treatment
  for individuals who use abusable synthetic substances.
         (h)  The joint interim committee shall prepare a report of
  the findings of the committee that includes any proposed reforms.
  The committee shall submit the report to the legislature not later
  than January 1, 2019.
         (i)  Not later than the 60th day after the effective date of
  this Act, the lieutenant governor and speaker of the house of
  representatives shall appoint the members of the joint interim
  committee in accordance with this section.
         (j)  The joint interim committee created under this section
  is abolished January 2, 2019.
         SECTION 3.  EXPIRATION.  This Act expires January 2, 2019.
         SECTION 4.  EFFECTIVE DATE.  This Act takes effect
  immediately if it receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members
  elected to each house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas
  Constitution.  If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for
  immediate effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2017.