By: Perry, Garcia S.B. No. 1203
  relating to the issuance of subpoenas or certain other court orders
  with respect to an online service provider in the investigation or
  prosecution of certain criminal offenses.
         SECTION 1.  Article 24A.001, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Art. 24A.001.  APPLICABILITY OF SUBCHAPTER. This subchapter
  applies only to a subpoena, search warrant, or other court order
               (1)  relates to the investigation or prosecution of a
  criminal offense under:
                     (A)  Section 21.02, 21.11, 22.011, or 22.021,
  Penal Code;
                     (B)  Chapter 20A, Penal Code;
                     (C)  Section 33.021, Penal Code; or
                     (D)  Chapter 43, Penal Code; and
               (2)  is served on or issued with respect to an online
  [Internet] service provider that provides service in this state.
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter A, Chapter 24A, Code of Criminal
  Procedure, is amended by adding Article 24A.0015 to read as
         Art. 24A.0015.  DEFINITION. In this chapter, "online
  service provider" means an Internet service provider, search
  engine, web hosting company, web browsing company, manufacturer of
  devices providing online application platforms, or company
  providing online social media platforms.
         SECTION 3.  Articles 24A.002(a) and (b), Code of Criminal
  Procedure, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b), not later than the
  10th day after the date on which an online [Internet] service
  provider is served with or otherwise receives a subpoena, search
  warrant, or other court order described by Article 24A.001, the
  online [Internet] service provider shall:
               (1)  fully comply with the subpoena, warrant, or order;
               (2)  petition a court to excuse the online [Internet]
  service provider from complying with the subpoena, warrant, or
         (b)  As soon as is practicable, and in no event later than the
  second business day after the date the online [Internet] service
  provider is served with or otherwise receives a subpoena, search
  warrant, or other court order described by Article 24A.001, the
  online [Internet] service provider shall fully comply with the
  subpoena, search warrant, or order if the subpoena, search warrant,
  or order indicates that full compliance is necessary to address a
  situation that threatens a person with death or other serious
  bodily injury.
         SECTION 4.  Article 24A.003, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
  amended to read as follows:
  online [Internet] service provider that disobeys a subpoena, search
  warrant, or other court order described by Article 24A.001 and that
  was not excused from complying with the subpoena, warrant, or order
  under Article 24A.002(a)(2) may be punished in any manner provided
  by law.
         SECTION 5.  Article 24A.051, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Art. 24A.051.  PRESERVING INFORMATION. (a)  On written
  request of a law enforcement agency in this state or a federal law
  enforcement agency and pending the issuance of a subpoena or other
  court order described by Article 24A.001, an online [Internet]
  service provider that provides service in this state shall take all
  steps necessary to preserve all records or other potential evidence
  in a criminal trial that is in the possession of the online
  [Internet] service provider.
         (b)  Subject to Subsection (c), an online [Internet] service
  provider shall preserve information under Subsection (a) for a
  period of 90 days after the date the online [Internet] service
  provider receives the written request described by Subsection (a).
         (c)  An online [Internet] service provider shall preserve
  information under Subsection (a) for the 90-day period immediately
  following the 90-day period described by Subsection (b) if the
  requesting law enforcement agency in writing requests an extension
  of the preservation period.
         SECTION 6.  The change in law made by this Act to Chapter
  24A, Code of Criminal Procedure, applies only to a subpoena, search
  warrant, or other court order issued on or after the effective date
  of this Act. A subpoena, search warrant, or other court order
  issued before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law
  in effect on the date the warrant was issued, and the former law is
  continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 7.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2017.