85R12489 LHC-D
  By: Menéndez S.B. No. 1791
  relating to veterans treatment court programs and the results of
  successfully completing those programs; imposing a filing fee on
  certain civil cases to benefit veterans treatment court programs;
  changing a fee.
         SECTION 1.  Subchapter D, Chapter 101, Government Code, is
  amended by adding Section 101.061195 to read as follows:
  district court shall collect an additional filing fee of $3 under
  Section 124.007 in civil cases to benefit veterans treatment court
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter E, Chapter 101, Government Code, is
  amended by adding Section 101.081194 to read as follows:
  statutory county court shall collect an additional filing fee of $3
  under Section 124.007 in civil cases to benefit veterans treatment
  court programs.
         SECTION 3.  Section 103.027(a), Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  Fees and costs shall be paid or collected under the
  Government Code as follows:
               (1)  filing a certified copy of a judicial finding of
  fact and conclusion of law if charged by the secretary of state
  (Sec. 51.905, Government Code) . . . $15;
               (2)  cost paid by each surety posting the bail bond for
  an offense other than a misdemeanor punishable by fine only under
  Chapter 17, Code of Criminal Procedure, for the assistant
  prosecutor supplement fund and the fair defense account (Sec.
  41.258, Government Code) . . . $15, provided the cost does not
  exceed $30 for all bail bonds posted at that time for an individual
  and the cost is not required on the posting of a personal or cash
               (3)  to participate in a court proceeding in this
  state, a nonresident attorney fee (Sec. 82.0361, Government Code) .
  . . $250 except as waived or reduced under supreme court rules for
  representing an indigent person;
               (4)  on a party's appeal of a final decision in a
  contested case, the cost of preparing the original or a certified
  copy of the record of the agency proceeding, if required by the
  agency's rule, as a court cost (Sec. 2001.177, Government Code) . .
  . as assessed by the court, all or part of the cost of preparation;
               (5)  a program fee for a drug court program (Sec.
  123.004, Government Code) . . . not to exceed $1,000;
               (6)  an alcohol or controlled substance testing,
  counseling, and treatment fee (Sec. 123.004, Government Code) . . .
  the amount necessary to cover the costs of testing, counseling, and
               (7)  a reasonable program fee for a veterans treatment
  court program (Sec. 124.005, Government Code) . . . not to exceed
  $500 [$1,000];
               (8)  a testing, counseling, and treatment fee for
  testing, counseling, or treatment performed or provided under a
  veterans treatment court program (Sec. 124.005, Government Code) .
  . . the amount necessary to cover the costs of testing, counseling,
  or treatment; and
               (9)  a nonrefundable program fee for a prostitution
  prevention program (Sec. 126.006, Government Code) . . . a
  reasonable amount not to exceed $1,000, which must include a
  counseling and services fee in an amount necessary to cover the
  costs of counseling and services provided by the program, a victim
  services fee in an amount equal to 10 percent of the total fee, and a
  law enforcement training fee in an amount equal to five percent of
  the total fee.
         SECTION 4.  Section 124.005(a), Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  A veterans treatment court program established under
  this chapter may collect from a participant in the program:
               (1)  a reasonable program fee not to exceed $500
  [$1,000]; and
               (2)  a testing, counseling, and treatment fee in an
  amount necessary to cover the costs of any testing, counseling, or
  treatment performed or provided under the program.
         SECTION 5.  Chapter 124, Government Code, is amended by
  adding Section 124.007 to read as follows:
  CERTAIN COURTS. (a) In addition to all other fees authorized or
  required by other law, the clerk of a district court or statutory
  county court shall assess a fee of $3 in each civil case filed in the
  court to be used to benefit veterans treatment court programs.
         (b)  Court fees due under this section are collected in the
  same manner as other fees, fines, or costs are collected in the
  case. A clerk collecting the fees shall keep separate records of
  the funds collected as fees under this section and shall deposit the
  funds in the county treasury, as appropriate.
         (c)  The custodian of a county treasury shall:
               (1)  keep records of the amount of funds on deposit
  collected under this section; and
               (2)  except as provided by Subsection (d), send to the
  comptroller before the last day of the first month following each
  calendar quarter the funds collected under this section during the
  preceding quarter.
         (d)  If a county has established a veterans treatment court
  program or establishes a veterans treatment court program before
  the expiration of the calendar quarter, the county is entitled to
  retain 60 percent of the funds collected under this section by a
  clerk during the calendar quarter to be used exclusively for the
  development and maintenance of veterans treatment court programs
  operated within the county.
         (e)  If no funds due as fees under this section are deposited
  in a county treasury in a calendar quarter, the custodian of the
  treasury shall file the report required for the quarter in the
  regular manner and must state that no funds were collected.
         (f)  The comptroller shall deposit the funds received under
  this section to the credit of the veterans treatment court account
  in the general revenue fund to help fund veterans treatment court
  programs established under this chapter or former law.  The
  legislature shall appropriate money from the account solely to the
  criminal justice division of the governor's office for distribution
  to veterans treatment court programs that apply for the money.
         (g)  Funds collected under this section are subject to audit
  by the comptroller.
         SECTION 6.  Subchapter E-1, Chapter 411, Government Code, is
  amended by adding Section 411.0726 to read as follows:
  (a) This section applies only to a person:
               (1)  who successfully completes a veterans treatment
  court program under Chapter 124 or former law; and
               (2)  with respect to whom the applicable charge for the
  offense for which the person entered that program is dismissed
  under Section 124.001(b).
         (b)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter
  or Subchapter F, a court that dismisses the charges against a person
  described by Subsection (a) as a result of the person's
  participation in a veterans treatment court program shall issue an
  order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information under
  this subchapter prohibiting criminal justice agencies from
  disclosing to the public criminal history record information
  related to the offense for which the person entered the program.  
  The court shall issue the order of nondisclosure not later than the
  30th day after the date the court dismisses the charges against the
         (c)  The person must pay a $28 fee to the clerk of the court
  before the court issues the order of nondisclosure of criminal
  history record information under this section.
         SECTION 7.  Section 411.074, Government Code, is amended by
  adding Subsection (c) to read as follows:
         (c)  This section does not apply to an order of nondisclosure
  of criminal history record information under Section 411.0726.
         SECTION 8.  Section 103.0271, Government Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 9.  The change in law made by this Act to Section
  124.005(a), Government Code, applies to a person who, on or after
  the effective date of this Act, enters a veterans treatment court
  program under Chapter 124, Government Code, regardless of whether
  the person committed the offense for which the person enters the
  program before, on, or after the effective date of this Act.
         SECTION 10.  (a)  The changes in law made by this Act in
  adding Section 411.0726, Government Code, apply to an order of
  nondisclosure of criminal history record information for a person
  who successfully completes a veterans treatment court program under
  Chapter 124, Government Code, or former law, before, on, or after
  the effective date of this Act, regardless of when the underlying
  arrest occurred.
         (b)  For a person who is entitled to an order of
  nondisclosure of criminal history record information under Section
  411.0726, Government Code, as added by this Act, based on a
  successful completion of a veterans treatment court program under
  Chapter 124, Government Code, or former law, before the effective
  date of this Act, notwithstanding the 30-day time limit provided
  for the court to enter an automatic order of nondisclosure of
  criminal history record information under that section, the court
  shall enter an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record
  information for the person as soon as practicable after the court
  receives written notice from any party to the case about the
  person's entitlement to the order of nondisclosure.
         SECTION 11.  To the extent of any conflict, this Act prevails
  over another Act of the 85th Legislature, Regular Session, 2017,
  relating to nonsubstantive additions to and corrections in enacted
         SECTION 12.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2017.