85R11844 AJA-D
  By: Menéndez S.B. No. 2234
  relating to the collection of past due assessments and certain
  other charges by a property owners' association.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 209, Property Code, is amended by adding
  Sections 209.0061, 209.00611, and 209.00612 to read as follows:
  COLLECTION COSTS. (a) If a property owners' association's
  dedicatory instruments authorize the association to impose late
  fees on, or recover costs associated with the collection of, past
  due regular or special assessments, the association may collect
  only the following fees and costs:
               (1)  a single late fee for each past due assessment that
  does not exceed 10 percent of the past due assessment;
               (2)  if any interest or administrative costs are
  authorized by the dedicatory instruments, a monthly charge that:
                     (A)  does not exceed one-half of one percent of
  all unpaid past due assessments; and
                     (B)  is payable directly to the association,
  regardless of whether the amount is ultimately used to pay the
  association's property manager;
               (3)  if the association sends a follow-up letter
  authorized by Section 209.00611(b), a charge for attorney's fees
  that does not exceed 25 percent of the past due assessments; and
               (4)  for a payment plan, regardless of whether the
  association is required to offer the plan under Section 209.0062, a
  monthly charge that does not exceed three percent of the sum of:
                     (A)  the past due assessments; and
                     (B)  any charges authorized by Subdivision (1),
  (2), or (3) incurred as of the date the payment plan is accepted.
         (b)  A property owners' association may not impose a charge
  other than the charge authorized by Subsection (a)(1) before the
  31st day after the date the association sends the property owner a
  letter that complies with Section 209.00611(a).
         (c)  A property owners' association may not impose attorney's
  fees or any other charges on a property owner for:
               (1)  documentation or other information requested by
  the owner in order to:
                     (A)  confirm the amount of assessments due; or
                     (B)  understand:
                           (i)  an assessment or a related charge; or
                           (ii)  a payment plan being offered to the
  owner; or
               (2)  the negotiation of the terms of a payment plan.
         (d)  Subsection (c)(2) does not require a property owners'
  association to offer a payment plan other than as required by
  Section 209.0062.
  COLLECTION LETTERS. (a) A letter sent to a property owner by or on
  behalf of a property owners' association seeking to collect a past
  due regular or special assessment must:
               (1)  be sent to the owner by certified mail to the
  address to which the association usually sends invoices or other
  official communications and, if the association uses e-mail to
  communicate with property owners, to each e-mail address provided
  by the owner for that purpose;
               (2)  itemize each charge the association seeks to
  collect and reference to each provision in the dedicatory
  instruments on which the charge is based;
               (3)  state:
                     (A)  a total amount certain that the association
  claims is due;
                     (B)  the date on which that amount was determined;
                     (C)  that payments made after that date will be
  credited as provided by law;
               (4)  if Section 209.0062 applies to the association or
  the association's dedicatory instruments require a payment plan to
  be offered, include the terms of an available payment plan that
  complies with that section;
               (5)  state that the owner must pay the total amount
  claimed or, if applicable, accept and deliver the first amount due
  under the payment plan on or before the 30th day after the date the
  letter was sent to avoid additional charges related to collection
  of the assessments;
               (6)  provide the owner with a phone number the owner may
  use at no cost to ask questions about the charges or the payment
  plan terms;
               (7)  provide an address to which the owner may send a
  check or money order as payment and notify the owner of any
  available online payment portal; and
               (8)  notify the owner that attorney's fees and other
  charges may be imposed and that a lawsuit may be filed to collect
  the unpaid amount if:
                     (A)  the owner does not pay the total amount
  claimed or, if applicable, accept and deliver the first payment
  under the payment plan in the time provided by Subdivision (5); or
                     (B)  the owner accepts a payment plan and does not
  comply with the plan.
         (b)  Not earlier than the 31st day after the date a letter
  described by Subsection (a) is sent to a property owner, the
  property owners' association may send a follow-up letter that
  includes a charge for attorney's fees authorized by Section
  LAWSUITS. (a) In a lawsuit filed by a property owners' association
  to collect past due assessments, the original petition:
               (1)  must prominently state that:
                     (A)  the property owner may resolve the entire
  claim by paying, on or before the 60th day after the date the owner
  is served with the petition, an amount certain stated in the
  petition that the association claims is due:
                           (i)  determined as of a date stated in the
  petition; and
                           (ii)  that includes only the itemized
  amounts described by Subdivision (2); and
                     (B)  any payment received after the stated date on
  which the amount certain was determined will be credited towards
  the amount claimed in the petition; and
               (2)  may include a claim only for the following
  itemized amounts:
                     (A)  past due regular and special assessments;
                     (B)  costs or fees the association may collect
  under Section 209.0061;
                     (C)  filing fees, fees for service of process,
  certified mail charges incurred in connection with the suit, and
  any other charges paid by the association in connection with the
  suit that the association is authorized to collect under the
  dedicatory instruments; and
                     (D)  additional attorney's fees in an amount that
  does not exceed $500.
         (b)  A payment received from a property owner after the
  stated date on which the amount certain claimed in the petition was
  determined must be credited towards the claimed amount.
         (c)  A property owners' association may not impose any
  additional collection-related charges in connection with the past
  due assessments being claimed before the 61st day after the date the
  association's petition is served on the property owner.
         (d)  A property owner must be allowed to make a payment in
  satisfaction of the claim by check or money order to the attorney or
  law firm representing the association.
         (e)  In a lawsuit described by Subsection (a), the court may
  award reasonable and necessary attorney's fees as are equitable and
         SECTION 2.  Section 209.0062, Property Code, is amended by
  amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (a-1) to read as
         (a)  A property owners' association composed of more than 14
  lots shall adopt reasonable guidelines to establish an alternative
  payment schedule by which an owner may make partial payments to the
  property owners' association for delinquent regular or special
  assessments or any other amount owed to the association without
  accruing additional monetary penalties other than amounts
  authorized by Section 209.0061.
         (a-1)  A payment plan offered by a property owners'
  association for payment of past due assessments, regardless of
  whether the association is subject to Subsection (a):
               (1)  may not be conditioned on payment of any amount not
  authorized by Section 209.0061; and
               (2)  must allow the owner to pay off at any time without
  additional penalty or requirement for further payments under the
  plan the outstanding balance of the past due assessments and any
  charges authorized by Section 209.0061(a)(1), (2), or (3) that were
  incurred as of the date the payment plan was entered into [For
  purposes of this section, monetary penalties do not include
  reasonable costs associated with administering the payment plan or
         SECTION 3.  The heading to Section 209.0063, Property Code,
  is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 4.  Section 209.0063, Property Code, is amended by
  adding Subsection (c) to read as follows:
         (c)  A property owners' association must accept a partial
  payment on any amount due to the association, regardless of whether
  the owner is subject to a payment plan, to be applied in accordance
  with this section. If the association uses an online payment
  portal, the association may not block an owner's ability to make a
  late or partial payment through the portal.
         SECTION 5.  Section 209.009, Property Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  CIRCUMSTANCES. A property owners' association may not foreclose a
  property owners' association's assessment lien unless the debt
  secured by the lien includes more than $5,000 of debt described by
  Section 209.0063(a)(1), (2), or (3) [if the debt securing the lien
  consists solely of:
               [(1)  fines assessed by the association;
               [(2)     attorney's fees incurred by the association
  solely associated with fines assessed by the association; or
               [(3)     amounts added to the owner's account as an
  assessment under Section 209.005(i) or 209.0057(b-4)].
         SECTION 6.  (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b) of this
  section, the changes in law made by this Act apply only to
  collection of regular and special assessments that become due on or
  after the effective date of this Act. Collection of assessments
  that became due before the effective date of this Act is governed by
  the law as it existed immediately before the effective date of this
  Act, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         (b)  Section 209.0063(c), Property Code, as added by this
  Act, applies to a payment made by a property owner on or after the
  effective date of this Act.
         SECTION 7.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2017.