85R11200 RMA-F
  By: Kolkhorst S.C.R. No. 33
         WHEREAS, The State of Texas entered into a system-wide
  settlement agreement (the "2009 Settlement Agreement") with the
  U.S. Department of Justice in 2009 to resolve the department's
  investigations of the 12 state-supported living centers operated by
  the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services, as well as
  the Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with an
  Intellectual Disability or Related Conditions component of the Rio
  Grande State Center operated by the Texas Department of State
  Health Services (collectively, the "Centers"); and
         WHEREAS, As required by Section 111.003(a)(2), Civil
  Practice and Remedies Code, the Texas Legislature approved the 2009
  Settlement Agreement in May 2009; and
         WHEREAS, The State of Texas and the U.S. Department of
  Justice have provisionally agreed to amend the 2009 Settlement
  Agreement (the "Amended Agreement"), subject to legislative
  approval; and
         WHEREAS, The Amended Agreement restructures the monitoring
  process, places greater focus on outcomes for the individuals
  served by the Centers, and strengthens services for individuals who
  move from a Center to live in community settings; and
         WHEREAS, The Amended Agreement requires prior consent or
  subsequent approval by the legislature; and
         WHEREAS, The Amended Agreement provides the state with a
  clear and achievable path to compliance that will enable the state
  to exit the agreement without costly litigation; now, therefore, be
         RESOLVED, That the 85th Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby approve the Amended Agreement.