85R24439 KSM-D
  By: Miles S.C.R. No. 54
         WHEREAS, Presidential libraries serve a vital purpose by
  advancing knowledge of individuals who helped to shape this nation;
         WHEREAS, Combining the functions of archives, museums, and
  academic institutions, presidential libraries house artifacts and
  documents while offering a public place for the study and
  discussion of a president's policies and place in history; Sam
  Houston, the first and third president of the Republic of Texas, is
  an especially apt subject for such a library; and
         WHEREAS, A veteran of the War of 1812, Sam Houston served in
  Tennessee as attorney general of the District of Nashville, as
  major general of the state militia, as United States
  representative, and ultimately, as governor; after settling in
  Texas, he was a signatory to the Texas Declaration of Independence;
  he led the army of Texas as major general and defeated the Mexican
  army in the Battle of San Jacinto; this hero of independence was
  elected as the first president of the Republic of Texas in 1836, and
  he represented San Augustine in the Congress of the Republic of
  Texas before serving a second term as president; from 1846 to 1859,
  he was a United States senator, and he won election as governor of
  Texas in 1859; and
         WHEREAS, The campus of Sam Houston State University in
  Huntsville is already home to the Sam Houston Memorial Museum,
  which has many of the attributes of a successful presidential
  library, including exhibition and conference space, a theater, and
  a collection of some 12,000 Houston artifacts, such as manuscripts,
  books, and furnishings related to his life and times, and two of
  Houston's homes are located on the grounds; the development of a
  presidential library with dedicated research space would attract
  further donations of academic papers and other important materials
  regarding Mr. Houston; and
         WHEREAS, Establishing a presidential library for Sam Houston
  at Sam Houston State University, whose motto is "The Measure of a
  Life Is Its Service," would greatly enhance scholarly knowledge and
  heighten public awareness of his enormous contributions to the
  founding of the Republic of Texas and of the Lone Star State; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 85th Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby express support for the creation of the Sam Houston Republic
  of Texas Presidential Library at Sam Houston State University.