In Memory
  Hollis Brashear
         WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas honors and
  commemorates the life of Hollis Brashear, who died at the age of
  81; and
         WHEREAS, Hollis Brashear was an exemplary citizen and
  community leader whose passion for education had a profound
  impact on Dallas schools and students; and
         WHEREAS, Born in 1935, he grew up in Dallas at a time when
  African Americans were subject to segregation and attended
  underfunded schools; while a student at Lincoln High School, he
  was noticed for his mathematical ability, and he was encouraged
  to pursue a career in engineering; he went on to work his way
  through college by serving as a janitor and to earn his degree
  from Prairie View A&M University; and
         WHEREAS, He served the nation with distinction for 21 years
  as an officer in the United States Army; he was deployed to Korea
  and Vietnam and earned two Bronze Stars during his military
  career; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Brashear was elected to the Dallas
  Independent School District Board of Trustees in 1992 and became
  its president in 1997; under his direction, the board faced a
  number of daunting issues, including controversy around a
  decades-old school desegregation order, but his steady
  leadership and commitment to equal opportunity and excellence in
  education helped the board navigate through its
  difficulties; and
         WHEREAS, He was married for many years to his beloved wife,
  the late Minnie Brashear, and the couple was blessed with two
  daughters, Enez and Teresa; a devout Christian who practiced his
  faith in his daily life, he was an elder at Oak Cliff Bible
  Fellowship; and
         WHEREAS, A man of courage, strength, and compassion, he
  gave generously to others, and his wisdom, warmth, and valued
  counsel will not be forgotten; and
         WHEREAS, He was a devoted husband and father, and he leaves
  behind memories that will be treasured forever by his family and
  many friends; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 85th
  Legislature, hereby extend sincere condolences to the bereaved
  family of Hollis Brashear; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
  his family as an expression of deepest sympathy from the Texas
  Senate and that when the Senate adjourns this day, it do so in
  memory of Hollis Brashear.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on February 8, 2017, by
    a rising vote.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate