WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to
  recognize Cynthia J. Rokovich, who reached a milestone in her
  career on January 28, 2017, which marked 40 years of loyal and
  distinguished service to the state; and
         WHEREAS, Cindy Rokovich began her career in state service
  with the Texas Employment Commission, which later became the
  Texas Workforce Commission, and for 40 years, she has helped
  the state agency to succeed in its mission of service; and
         WHEREAS, Cindy is a certified Texas contract manager in the
  Grant Administration Department, where she is responsible for
  coordinating various contracts for the commission; she has
  continued her professional training throughout her years of
  service, and she has consistently handled her responsibilities
  with exceptional efficiency and dedication; and
         WHEREAS, A talented and resourceful individual, Cindy
  Rokovich is respected and admired by her colleagues, and she is
  indeed deserving of recognition for her years of excellent service
  with the Texas Workforce Commission; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 85th
  Legislature, hereby commend Cynthia J. Rokovich on 40 years of
  exceptional state service and extend to her best wishes in all
  her future endeavors; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for her
  as an expression of esteem from the Texas Senate.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on February 13, 2017.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate