WHEREAS, Proud residents of Bee County are gathering at the
  State Capitol to celebrate Bee County Day on February 14, 2017; and
         WHEREAS, Artifacts indicate that the Bee County region was
  originally inhabited 6,000 to 10,000 years ago; the first
  permanent European settlers arrived in the early 19th century,
  and 11 area landowners were among the signers of the Texas
  Declaration of Independence; and
         WHEREAS, Bee County was officially organized on January
  25, 1858, and was named for Barnard E. Bee Sr., a South Carolina
  attorney, soldier, and statesman who joined the army of the
  Republic of Texas and later served as secretary of war under Sam
  Houston; and
         WHEREAS, Located in the South Texas Plains vegetation
  region, the county covers 866 square miles that slope gently
  toward the Gulf Coast; with the region's open expanses of
  grasslands, its economy is dominated by farming and ranching,
  along with oil and gas operations and agribusiness; Beeville is
  the county seat, and other towns in the county include Skidmore,
  Blue Berry Hill, Pettus, Tuleta, Tynan, Pawnee, Normanna, and
  Mineral; and
         WHEREAS, Bee County is blessed with an array of cultural
  and historical attractions for residents and visitors to
  explore; Beeville has successfully revitalized its downtown
  district and has been named a Texas Main Street City by the Texas
  Historical Commission; Coastal Bend College--Beeville offers
  occupational and academic classes for its students, and it has
  the oldest academic educational glassblowing facility in the
  state; art enthusiasts may delight in the exhibits of the
  Beeville Art Museum, which is funded by the Joe Barnhart
  Foundation and housed in the historic Esther Barnhart House; in
  addition, visitors gather from all across Texas to celebrate the
  state's rich traditions at Western Week, one of the county's
  largest and longest-running festivals; and
         WHEREAS, The citizens of Bee County may indeed take great
  pride in their vibrant heritage as they work together to build an
  even brighter future, and this special day provides a welcome
  opportunity to pay tribute to the county and its people; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 85th
  Legislature, hereby recognize February 14, 2017, as Bee County
  Day at the State Capitol and extend to those visiting today
  sincere best wishes for an enjoyable stay in Austin.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on February 14, 2017.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate