In Memory
  Hamp Atkinson
         WHEREAS, Family and friends will forever treasure their
  memories of former state representative Hamp Atkinson of New
  Boston, who died on July 5, 2016, at the age of 82; and
         WHEREAS, Hamp Atkinson was born to Ballard and Sybil
  Atkinson on December 23, 1933, in the Old Salem community near
  New Boston; over the course of his working life, he owned a ranch,
  a farm supply store, and a petroleum business, and he served as a
  director of the Guaranty Bond Bank; he was a longtime member of
  Tapp United Methodist Church in New Boston; and
         WHEREAS, This distinguished Texan was also one of the
  leading educators in Bowie County for many years, and he carried
  his passionate advocacy for education with him into the Texas
  Legislature, where he represented House District 1 from 1975 to
  1983; a member of the Public Education Committee throughout his
  tenure, he chaired that body during his last two terms and also
  sat on a number of public education subcommittees, including
  those on public school finance, the Teacher Retirement System,
  and budget and oversight; in addition, he served as vice chair of
  the Ways and Means Committee, and throughout the entirety of his
  legislative career, he held a seat on the State Preservation
  Board; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Atkinson was a loving husband to Sue Farris
  Atkinson, and he delighted in the time he spent with his family,
  which included his daughters, Amy Barron and her husband, Bryan,
  and Melinda Black and her husband, Scott, as well as his
  stepchildren, Lee Farris and his wife, Melissa, Julie Cherry and
  her husband, Jim, and Jennifer Newton and her husband, Nick;
  later in life, he was blessed with nine grandchildren and their
  spouses, Magan and Clayton Wisdom, Paige and Matt Kiddey, Sara
  McCarter, Molly Black, Brooks Black, Brody Barron, Lee William
  Farris, Meredith Farris, and Harrison Newton, and a
  great-grandson, Lane Wisdom; his first wife, Pat Atkinson, and
  two daughters, Lisa Lyn Atkinson and Lori McCarter, preceded him
  in death; and
         WHEREAS, A devoted family man and a dedicated public
  servant, Hamp Atkinson will be deeply missed, but he leaves
  behind a record of civic engagement that will continue to inspire
  all those who knew and loved him; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 85th
  Legislature, hereby pay tribute to the life of the Honorable Hamp
  Atkinson and extend sincere condolences to his family and
  friends; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
  his family and that when the Texas Senate adjourns this day, it do
  so in memory of Hamp Atkinson.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on February 21, 2017,
    by a rising vote.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate