WHEREAS, The heritage of the vaquero remains vital in South
  Texas, and the central role this colorful and iconic figure has
  played in the history of the Lone Star State is being celebrated
  with Vaquero Day on June 30, 2018; and
         WHEREAS, Renowned for their horsemanship and
  stock-handling skills, vaqueros were crucial to the advance of
  Spanish ranching into Texas; from the mid-18th century onward,
  vaqueros figured significantly in the development of large,
  open-range cattle ranches in the region between the Nueces River
  and the Rio Grande, traces of which can still be seen on the land
  in the form of fortified stone blockhouses, ranch outbuildings,
  chapels and cemeteries, hand-dug wells, and the man-made
  reservoirs that made it possible to assemble enormous herds; and
         WHEREAS, With the expansion of the Texas cattle industry in
  the 19th century, the vaquero's traditions shaped ranching
  practices all across the state, and much of the vaquero's
  equipment--his chaps, bandana, sombrero, lasso, spurs, and
  saddle--became standard gear for all Texas cowboys, while other
  elements of his craft, such as mounted herding and roping
  techniques, also influenced early Anglo American practices;
  eventually, these vaquero-inspired methods of working cattle
  spread across the High Plains and the western part of the United
  States; and
         WHEREAS, Today, the proud culture of the vaquero is being
  kept alive by such notable organizations as the Vaqueros of South
  Texas, whose members work to preserve the vaquero tradition for
  future generations; and
         WHEREAS, Through a deep appreciation of the land and
  through skills honed over the course of centuries, the vaquero
  has contributed immeasurably to the history, culture, and
  economy of South Texas and to the rich ranching heritage of the
  Lone Star State and the American West; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 85th
  Legislature, hereby recognize June 30, 2018, as Vaquero Day and
  commend the members of Vaqueros of South Texas for their fidelity
  to the generations of vaqueros who came before them.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on May 29, 2017.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate