Regular Order of Business for 3/22/2017



March 22, 2017


(Calendar Order)


(Second Reading)

SJR 31 Kolkhorst

Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to appropriations for the preservation and perpetuation of certain items of historical value; allowing the legislature and state agencies to accept on behalf of the state gifts of items of historical value and contributions to purchase such items.

SJR 43 Huffman/ et al.

Proposing a constitutional amendment prohibiting the use of state funds to pay for the obligations of a local public retirement system.

SJR 27 Taylor, Van

Proposing a constitutional amendment repealing county authority to provide for manual labor poor houses and farms.


(Second Reading)

SCR 32 (LC)Taylor, Larry

Urging Congress to provide sufficient federal funding for the construction of a storm surge barrier along the Texas coast.


(Second Reading)

SB 535 Kolkhorst

Relating to the creation, purpose, implementation, and funding of the County Park Beautification and Improvement Program.

SB 378 (LC)Perry/ et al.

Relating to the persons authorized to conduct an inquest in certain counties.

SB 13 (CS)Huffman/ Bettencourt/ Birdwell/ Burton/ Campbell/ et al.

Relating to payroll deductions for state and local government employee organizations.

SB 18 Seliger/ et al.

Relating to eliminating provisions requiring public institutions of higher education to set aside portions of designated tuition for student financial assistance.

SB 286 (LC)Nichols

Relating to the governing board of the Trinity Valley Community College District.

SB 491 (LC)Watson

Relating to the statewide preceptorship program in family medicine.

SB 550 Campbell

Relating to the sale or assignment of tax credits for the certified rehabilitation of certified historic structures.

SB 658 (LC)Perry

Relating to a landowner's liability for injuries incurred during certain recreational activities.

SB 566 (LC)Perry/ et al.

Relating to the qualifications for a person conducting an adoption evaluation.

SB 495 (LC)Uresti

Relating to certain procedural measures in a suit affecting a parent-child relationship to protect a child against child neglect or physical or sexual abuse.

SB 532 (CS) (LC)Nelson

Relating to information collected about and purchases of information technology by governmental entities.

SB 73 (LC)Nelson/ et al.

Relating to leave policy and procedures for state employees.

SB 492 (LC)West

Relating to procedures of a county tax assessor-collector for collection of dishonored checks and invoices; authorizing a fee.

SB 594 Creighton

Relating to the procedure for the approval of rules adopted by the comptroller relating to the appraisal of qualified open-space land and qualified timber land for ad valorem tax purposes.

SB 258 (CS)Huffines/ et al.

Relating to the disposition of embryonic and fetal tissue remains; imposing a civil penalty.

SB 854 (CS) (LC)Nelson

Relating to the purchase of food and beverages by the Texas Division of Emergency Management for certain persons.

SB 719 (LC)Zaffirini

Relating to requiring the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to collect and study data on the participation of persons with intellectual disabilities in workforce education programs.

SB 364 (LC)Kolkhorst

Relating to the designation of a portion of Alternate United States Highway 90 in Lavaca County as the Sheriff Ronnie Dodds Memorial Highway.

SB 365 (LC)Kolkhorst

Relating to the designation of a portion of State Highway 95 in Lavaca County as the Sergeant David M. Furrh Memorial Highway.

SB 396 (LC)Zaffirini

Relating to the designation of a portion of Interstate Highway 10 in Guadalupe County as the Texas Game Warden Teyran "Ty" Patterson Memorial Highway.

SB 402 (LC)Zaffirini/ et al.

Relating to notice provided to persons with disabilities regarding the eligibility of persons with disabilities to use certain public transportation services.

SB 267 (CS) (LC)Schwertner/ et al.

Relating to the licensing and regulation of hospitals in this state; increasing the amount of administrative penalties assessed or imposed against certain hospitals; authorizing the imposition of a fee.

SB 497 (CS) (LC)Uresti

Relating to the creation of an office of data analytics in the Department of Family and Protective Services.

SB 102 (LC)Hall/ et al.

Relating to general officers within the state military department.

SB 94 (CS) (LC)Hall

Relating to a ribbon for certain members of the military forces who served in support of operations to secure the Texas border.

SB 751 (CS) (LC)Campbell/ et al.

Relating to the confidentiality of certain information of and the abolishment date of the military base realignment and closure task force.

SB 277 Campbell/ et al.

Relating to the eligibility of certain property for certain ad valorem tax incentives relating to wind-powered energy devices.

SB 712 (LC)Hinojosa/ et al.

Relating to the duration of certain protective orders against family violence.

SB 31 Zaffirini/ et al.

Relating to the use of a wireless communication device while operating a motor vehicle; creating a criminal offense; modifying existing criminal penalties.

SB 75 Nelson

Relating to the requirement for parental consent for a minor to join a labor union.

SB 865 (LC)Perry

Relating to a groundwater conservation district's use of electronic fund transfers.

SB 1009 (LC)Perry

Relating to administrative completeness requirements for permit and permit amendment applications for groundwater conservation districts.

SB 689 (LC)Seliger

Relating to the powers and election dates of the Hemphill County Underground Water Conservation District.

SB 539 (CS) (LC)Hinojosa/ et al.

Relating to the qualifications for an impartial third party in certain civil disputes.

SB 77 (CS) (LC)Nelson/ et al.

Relating to involuntary termination of parental rights based on sexual assault of the child's other parent and the child support obligations of the parent whose rights were terminated.

SB 5 (CS)Huffman/ Bettencourt/ Birdwell/ Buckingham/ Burton/ et al.

Relating to requiring a voter to present proof of identification; providing a criminal penalty.

SB 227 (LC)Huffman

Relating to certain substances listed in Penalty Group 2 of the Texas Controlled Substances Act.

SB 326 (LC)Burton/ et al.

Relating to the authority of a court to return certain fees to a person whose criminal record has been expunged.

SB 581 (LC)Whitmire/ et al.

Relating to the requirements for a change of name for a person with a final felony conviction or a person required to register as a sex offender.

SB 920 (LC)Whitmire

Relating to access to a residence or former residence to retrieve personal property, including access based on danger of family violence.

SB 1124 (LC)Hinojosa

Relating to the administrative attachment of the Texas Forensic Science Commission to the Office of Court Administration of the Texas Judicial System.

SB 1066 (LC)Schwertner/ Buckingham/ Campbell/ Huffman/ Nelson/ et al.

Relating to meeting the graduate medical education needs of new medical degree programs offered by public institutions of higher education.

SB 1091 (LC)Seliger

Relating to limitations on courses that may be offered for dual credit by school districts and public institutions of higher education.

SB 1033 (LC)Perry

Relating to authorization for the conveyance of certain real property from Texas Tech University to Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center.

SB 679 (LC)Hancock

Relating to the authority of chiropractors to form certain business entities with certain other professions.

SB 79 (LC)Nelson

Relating to the production of public information available on a publicly accessible website.

SB 29 Creighton/ Campbell/ Hall/ Huffines/ et al.

Relating to state contracts with and investments in companies that boycott Israel.

SB 87 Hall/ et al.

Relating to registration of a motor vehicle alleged to have been involved in a violation detected by a photographic traffic signal enforcement system.

SB 278 Zaffirini/ et al.

Relating to the creation of an offense for failing to secure certain children in a rear-facing child passenger safety seat system.

SB 946 Bettencourt

Relating to deadlines for performing various functions in connection with the ad valorem tax system.

SB 945 Bettencourt

Relating to the authority of the chief appraiser of an appraisal district to correct an ad valorem tax appraisal roll.

SB 870 Bettencourt

Relating to the scheduling by an appraisal review board of a hearing on a protest.

SB 731 Bettencourt

Relating to the appeal through binding arbitration of certain appraisal review board orders.

SB 730 Bettencourt

Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of income-producing tangible personal property having a value of less than a certain amount.

SB 629 Schwertner/ Buckingham/ Burton/ Campbell/ Creighton/ et al.

Relating to liability for interest if land appraised for ad valorem tax purposes as agricultural or open-space land is sold or diverted to a different use.

SB 448 Burton

Relating to the procedure for canceling a deferral or abatement of collection of ad valorem taxes on the residence homestead of an elderly person.

SB 330 Rodríguez

Relating to the qualification of land for appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes as qualified open-space land.

SB 802 (CS) (LC)Seliger

Relating to a study and report regarding best practices in the transfer of course credit between public institutions of higher education.

SB 88 (CS)Hall/ et al.

Relating to the use of photographic traffic signal enforcement systems.

SB 20 (CS)Taylor, Larry/ et al.

Relating to health plan and health benefit plan coverage for abortions.

SB 377 (LC)Perry

Relating to the Texas Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Program.

SB 680 (CS)Hancock

Relating to step therapy protocols required by a health benefit plan in connection with prescription drug coverage.

SB 559 (CS) (LC)Hancock

Relating to the application of the miscellaneous gross receipts tax on utility companies.

SB 507 (CS)Hancock/ et al.

Relating to mediation of the settlement of certain out-of-network health benefit claims involving balance billing.

SB 343 (CS) (LC)Perry

Relating to the prosecution of the offense of improper sexual activity with a person under supervision.

SB 325 (CS) (LC)Burton/ et al.

Relating to the procedure for expunction of arrest records and files for certain persons who are tried for an offense and subsequently acquitted.

SB 669 (CS) (LC)Nelson/ et al.

Relating to the system for protesting or appealing certain ad valorem tax determinations; authorizing a fee.

SB 717 (CS)Taylor, Van/ et al.

Relating to the reappraisal for ad valorem tax purposes of property damaged in a disaster.

SB 972 (CS)Zaffirini/ et al.

Relating to the reappraisal for ad valorem taxation purposes of real property on which a building completely destroyed by a casualty is located.

SB 80 (CS) (LC)Nelson

Relating to certain required reports prepared by state agencies and other governmental entities.

SB 23 (CS)Schwertner/ Bettencourt/ Birdwell/ Burton/ Campbell/ et al.

Relating to requiring state contractors to participate in the federal electronic verification of employment authorization program, or E-verify.

SB 115 (CS)Huffines/ et al.

Relating to the Internet broadcast of certain open meetings.

SB 407 (CS)Watson/ et al.

Relating to the exception from disclosure under the public information law for information related to competition or bidding.

SB 408 (CS)Watson/ et al.

Relating to the definition of a governmental body for the purposes of the public information law.

SB 510 (CS) (LC)Zaffirini/ Buckingham/ Campbell/ Watson

Relating to the confidentiality of certain home address information in ad valorem tax appraisal records.

SB 947 (CS)Kolkhorst

Relating to liability of certain electric utilities that allow certain uses of land that the electric utility owns, occupies, or leases.

SB 404 (CS) (LC)Kolkhorst

Relating to prohibiting certain health care practitioners from providing alcoholic beverages to certain persons; imposing an administrative penalty.

SB 347 (CS) (LC)Watson/ et al.

Relating to the applicability of open meetings and public information laws to regional water planning groups and their committees.

SB 22 (CS)Taylor, Larry/ et al.

Relating to the establishment of a Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) program and to the repeal of the tech-prep program.

SB 27 Campbell/ et al.

Relating to the mental health program for veterans.

SB 726 (LC)Seliger

Relating to elections held by the Panhandle Groundwater Conservation District.

SB 864 (LC)Perry

Relating to the procedure for obtaining a right to use state water if the applicant proposes an alternative source of water that is not state water.

SB 151 Bettencourt

Relating to voter approval of obligations for certain municipal liabilities to a public pension fund.

SB 138 (LC)Taylor, Van

Relating to the exemption from range instruction for certain persons applying to obtain a license to carry a handgun.

SB 263 (LC)Perry

Relating to the handgun proficiency required to obtain or renew a license to carry a handgun.

SB 657 (LC)Zaffirini

Relating to the filing of oaths of office and signed statements by certain judicial officers and judicial appointees with the secretary of state.

SB 936 (LC)Huffman/ et al.

Relating to the creation of a joint interim committee to undertake a study of the public retirement systems of this state.

SB 16 (CS)Nichols/ Huffman/ et al.

Relating to decreasing the fee for the issuance of an original or renewed license to carry a handgun.

SB 578 (CS)Lucio/ et al.

Relating to the creation by the Texas Veterans Commission of a veteran suicide prevention action plan.

SB 790 (LC)Miles

Relating to the continuation of the women's health advisory committee.

SB 139 (LC)Taylor, Van

Relating to the applicability of adverse licensing, listing, or registration decisions by certain health and human services agencies.

SB 74 (LC)Nelson/ et al.

Relating to the provision of certain behavioral health services to children, adolescents, and their families under a contract with a managed care organization.

SB 894 (CS) (LC)Buckingham

Relating to the Health and Human Services Commission's strategy for managing audit resources, including procedures for auditing and collecting payments from Medicaid managed care organizations.

SB 1107 (CS)Schwertner/ Perry/ et al.

Relating to telemedicine and telehealth services.

SB 264 (CS)Perry

Relating to an application made by a county jailer to obtain a license to carry a handgun; reducing a fee.

SB 259 (CS) (LC)Huffines

Relating to jury summons questionnaires.

SB 509 (CS)Huffman

Relating to the evaluation of investment practices and performance of certain public retirement systems.

SB 546 (CS) (LC)Kolkhorst

Relating to the quality of water provided by public drinking water supply systems to state supported living centers.

SB 248 (CS)Schwertner

Relating to the dissolution of a special utility district after the transfer of all obligations and services.

SB 1 (CS)Nelson

General Appropriations Bill.

SB 736 (CS)Hancock

Relating to the authority of the General Land Office to sell retail electric power.

SB 361 Nichols/ et al.

Relating to transportation network companies.

SB 452 Hancock

Relating to the effect of certain agreements with a collective bargaining organization on certain state-funded public work contracts.

SB 1002 (LC)Hancock

Relating to accounting principles applicable to pension and other postemployment benefit expenses for electric utilities.

SB 884 (CS) (LC)Whitmire/ Bettencourt/ Creighton/ Garcia/ Kolkhorst/ et al.

Relating to the authority of certain counties to use county revenue or incur debt to improve or redevelop certain sports facilities.

SB 881 (LC)Uresti

Relating to the board of directors of the Maverick County Hospital District.

SB 30 West/ Whitmire

Relating to inclusion of instruction regarding interaction with peace officers in the required curriculum for certain public school students and in driver education courses and to civilian interaction training for peace officers.