Honorable John T. Smithee, Chair, House Committee on Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Ursula Parks, Director, Legislative Budget Board
HB1021 by Smithee (Relating to county law libraries.), As Introduced
No fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.
The bill would amend the Local Government Code to authorize counties to establish law libraries at locations other than county seats and to operate joint libraries in cooperation with other counties. The bill would also expand the list of eligible uses for fees from the Law Library Fund collected by these libraries to include establishing and maintaining a center providing resources to county residents representing themselves in legal matters.
According to the Library and Archives Commission, the bill would have no fiscal impact on the agency.
According to the Office of Court Administration, the bill would have no significant fiscal impact to the state court system.
Local Government Impact
According to the Office of Court Administration, the bill would have no significant fiscal impact to local courts.
According to the Texas Association of Counties, the fiscal impact to counties is not expected to be significant.