TO: | Honorable Charles Perry, Chair, Senate Committee on Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs |
FROM: | Ursula Parks, Director, Legislative Budget Board |
IN RE: | SB1392 by Perry (relating to groundwater conservation districts.), Committee Report 1st House, Substituted |
The bill would make a number of changes to the groundwater management activities of groundwater conservation districts (GCDs). According to the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB), the bill would have some minor impacts to the agency, particularly the type of information provided by TWDB to GCDs for preparation of groundwater management plans. The bill would allow the GCDs to request technical assistance from the TWDB to delineate boundaries of subdivisions of groundwater reservoirs.
According to the TWDB, the provisions of the bill could be absorbed with existing resources; therefore, no significant fiscal impact to the State is anticipated. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality also anticipates no significant fiscal impact from the bill.
According to the Texas Alliance of Groundwater Districts, the provisions of the bill would result in significant fiscal impact to GCDs. According to the Panhandle GCD, the bill would result in an estimated need in $60,000 for additional staff, and additional costs related to board member time and travel, and hydrologist consultant and legal fees. The Red River GCD, anticipates no fiscal impact from the bill.
Source Agencies: | 582 Commission on Environmental Quality, 580 Water Development Board
LBB Staff: | UP, SZ, GG, BM, JJ, PM, JGA