Honorable John Whitmire, Chair, Senate Committee on Criminal Justice
Ursula Parks, Director, Legislative Budget Board
SB1584 by Garcia (Relating to the conditions of community supervision.), As Introduced
No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.
The bill would amend the Code of Criminal Procedure to require that the conditions of community supervision be based on the results of a risk and needs assessment conducted using an instrument validated for such a purpose. The bill would clarify that a judge may only require a defendant to submit to drug or alcohol testing in certain circumstances. The bill would prohibit a judge from ordering a defendant to pay any amount of money unless the judge determines the defendant is financially able to do so. Based on the analysis of the Office of Court Administration and the Department of Criminal Justice, duties and responsibilities associated with implementing the provisions of the bill could be accomplished using existing resources.
Local Government Impact
According to the Office of Court Administration, the bill could impose additional duties upon adult probation officers to do risk assessments earlier in the case and delay certain court proceedings; however, no significant fiscal impact on local courts is anticipated.
Source Agencies:
212 Office of Court Administration, Texas Judicial Council, 696 Department of Criminal Justice