Honorable Joe Moody, Chair, House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence
Ursula Parks, Director, Legislative Budget Board
HB1819 by Springer (Relating to the criminal consequences of engaging in certain conduct with respect to a firearm silencer.), As Introduced
The provisions of the bill addressing felony sanctions are the subject of this analysis. The bill would amend the Penal Code relating to the criminal consequences of engaging in certain conduct with respect to a firearm silencer.
Under existing statute engaging in certain conduct with a firearm silencer not registered in the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record maintained by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives or classified as a curio or relic by the United States Department of Justice is punishable as a third degree felony.
Under the provisions of the bill, engaging in certain conduct with a firearm silencer unless it is classified as a curio or relic by the United States Department of Justice or is otherwise possessed, manufactured, transported, repaired, or sold in compliance with federal law is a criminal offense. The provisions of the bill do not associate a criminal penalty with the amended section.