The House Committee on Public Education
85th Legislature
April 18, 2018
1:00 p.m.
Pursuant to a notice posted on April 11, 2018, the House Committee on Public Education met in a public hearing and was called to order by the chair, Representative Huberty, at 1:09 p.m.
The initial quorum call was answered as follows: Representatives Huberty; Bernal; Allen; Bohac; Dutton; Gooden; Meyer; and VanDeaver.
A quorum was present.
The committee considered the following interim charge:
Monitor the agencies and programs under the Committee's jurisdiction and oversee the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 85th Legislature. In conducting this oversight, the committee will also specifically include: H.B. 21 (85R), H.B. 22 (85R), and S.B. 179 (85R).
Implementation of HB 21
Testimony taken/registration recorded. (See attached witness list.)
(Representative King, Ken now present.)
Testimony taken/registration recorded. (See attached witness list.)
Implementation of SB 179
Testimony taken/registration recorded. (See attached witness list.)
Hurricane Harvey Update
Testimony taken/registration recorded. (See attached witness list.)
Implementation of HB 22
Testimony taken/registration recorded. (See attached witness list.)
At 5:15 p.m., on the motion of the chair and without objection, the meeting was adjourned subject to the call of the chair.
Rep. Huberty, Chair
Amy Peterson, Clerk