COMMITTEE: Appropriations - S/C on Article III TIME & DATE: 9:00 AM, Wednesday, September 5, 2018 PLACE: E1.030
The Appropriations Subcommittee on Article III will meet to consider the following interim charges:
Study the sustainability of TRS-Care and consider options for funding retired teacher health care in Texas, especially as it pertains to contributions being based on active employee payroll rather than the cost of health care. Monitor the implementation of H.B. 3976 (85R) and H.B. 30 (85(1)).
Review the appropriations made to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) for the E-rate Classroom Connectivity project. Ensure that these funds are drawing down a federal match and are supporting projects that build high-speed broadband and infrastructure to and within schools.
Invited testimony only.
NOTICE OF ASSISTANCE AT PUBLIC MEETINGS Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need assistance, such as a sign language interpreter, are requested to contact Stacey Nicchio at (512) 463-0850, 72 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.