COMMITTEE: Investments & Financial Services TIME & DATE: 10:30 AM, Wednesday, January 31, 2018 PLACE: E2.010
The Committee will be meeting to hear invited testimony on the following interim charges:
Review the impact of Hurricane Harvey on financial institutions in Texas and evaluate the response of the state's oversight agencies. Study how Harvey impacted consumers and lenders in the mortgage and home equity markets. Identify opportunities to improve the operational stability of financial institutions and to improve the state's responsiveness following a natural disaster.
Examine mortgage licensure requirements in Texas and identify opportunities to update statute to fit modern mortgage options.
NOTICE OF ASSISTANCE AT PUBLIC MEETINGS Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need assistance, such as a sign language interpreter, are requested to contact Stacey Nicchio at (512) 463-0850, 72 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.