COMMITTEE:   Defense & Veterans' Affairs 

TIME & DATE: 4:30 PM, Thursday, May 18, 2017 

PLACE:       3W.9 
CHAIR:       Rep. Roland Gutierrez 


SB 94         Hall
Relating to a ribbon for certain members of the military forces who served in support of operations to secure the Texas border.

SB 751        Campbell | et al.
Relating to the confidentiality of certain information of and the abolishment date of the military base realignment and closure task force.

SB 1855       Uresti
Relating to the authority of a defense base development authority to participate in a company or partnership organized to finance redevelopment projects.

SB 1944       Hughes
Relating to the issuance of specialty plates to honor recipients of the Distinguished Flying Cross medal with Valor.

SB 1676       Lucio
Relating to the veterans county service office.

SB 1679       Lucio
Relating to the use of the fund for veterans' assistance to provide grants to support veterans county service offices.


Notice of this meeting was announced from the house floor.