COMMITTEE:   State Affairs 

TIME & DATE: 3:00 PM, Tuesday, May 16, 2017 

PLACE:       Agricultural Museum, 1W.14 
CHAIR:       Rep. Byron Cook 


To consider pending business and


SB 78         Nelson | et al.        
Relating to the disposition of state surplus or salvage data processing equipment by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.

SB 528        Birdwell               
Relating to the term of a chief administrative law judge.

SB 670        Birdwell | et al.      
Relating to the appointment of the commissioners of the health and human services agencies by the governor.

SB 1731       Birdwell | et al.      
Relating to the repeal of laws governing certain state entities, including the functions of those entities.

SB 1910       Zaffirini              
Relating to state agency information security plans, information technology employees, and online and mobile applications.

SJR 34        Birdwell               
Proposing a constitutional amendment limiting the service of certain officeholders after the expiration of the person's term of office.


Notice of this meeting was announced from the house floor.