COMMITTEE:    Business & Commerce 

TIME & DATE:  8:00 AM, Thursday, March 09, 2017 

PLACE:        E1.016 (Hearing Room) 
CHAIR:        Senator Kelly Hancock 



To consider the following:


SB 10         Hancock | et al.       
Relating to insurance claims and certain prohibited acts and practices in the business of insurance.

SB 23         Schwertner | et al.    
Relating to requiring state contractors to participate in the federal electronic verification of employment authorization program, or E-verify.

SB 29         Creighton | et al.     
Relating to state contracts with and investments in companies that boycott Israel.

SB 80         Nelson                 
Relating to certain required reports prepared by state agencies and other governmental entities.

SB 377        Perry                  
Relating to the Texas Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Program.

SB 404        Kolkhorst              
Relating to prohibiting health care practitioners from providing alcoholic beverages to certain persons; imposing an administrative penalty.

SB 507        Hancock                
Relating to mediation of the settlement of certain out-of-network health benefit claims involving balance billing.

SB 559        Hancock                
Relating to the application of the miscellaneous gross receipts tax on utility companies.

SB 586        Perry | et al.         
Relating to the distribution of universal service funds to certain small and rural incumbent local exchange companies.

SB 679        Hancock                
Relating to the authority of chiropractors to form certain business entities with certain other professions.

SB 680        Hancock                
Relating to step therapy protocols required by a health benefit plan in connection with prescription drug coverage.

SB 735        Hancock                
Relating to periodic rate adjustment by electric utilities.

SB 736        Hancock                
Relating to the authority of the General Land Office to sell retail electric power.

SB 947        Kolkhorst              
Relating to liability of certain electric utilities that allow certain uses of land that the electric utility owns, occupies, or leases.

Public testimony will be limited to 3 minutes.  If submitting written testimony, please provide 20 copies to the committee clerk with your name on each copy.


You may register for this hearing using the Senate kiosk located in the extension hallways or by going to http://swrs.