COMMITTEE:    Business & Commerce 

TIME & DATE:  8:00 AM, Tuesday, March 21, 2017 

PLACE:        E1.016 (Hearing Room) 
CHAIR:        Senator Kelly Hancock 



To consider the following:


SB 519        Creighton              
Relating to the training period for a temporary insurance agent's license.

SB 520        Creighton              
Relating to provisional permits for certain insurance agents.

SB 563        Hancock                
Relating to the definition of commercial property insurance for purposes of certain provisions governing insurance rates and policy forms.

SB 697        Buckingham | et al.    
Relating to health benefit coverage for prescription drug  synchronization.

SB 706        Birdwell               
Relating to the abolishment of the State Council on Competitive Government and the transfer of its functions to the comptroller.

SB 728        Taylor, Van            
Relating to the regulation of the practice of physical therapy.

SB 1003       Hancock                
Relating to the participation of deregulated telecommunications companies in the lifeline program.

SB 1004       Hancock                
Relating to the deployment of network nodes in public rights-of-way; authorizing fees.

SB 1070       Hancock                
Relating to authorized reinsurance and financial statement credit and accounting for reinsurance.

SB 1071       Hancock                
Relating to the regulation of insurance holding company systems, including internationally active insurance groups; authorizing a fee.

SB 1072       Hancock                
Relating to confidentiality of reports and related information for a solvency examination of an insurance carrier.

SB 1073       Hancock                
Relating to registration statement and reporting requirements of insurers in an insurance holding company system.

SB 1076       Schwertner             
Relating to amounts charged to an enrollee in a health benefit plan for prescription drugs covered by the plan.

SB 1171       Estes                  
Relating to the suspension and reactivation of the operation of the Texas Health Reinsurance System.

Pending Business


Public testimony will be limited to 3 minutes. If submitting written testimony, please provide 20 copies to the committee clerk with your name and bill number on each copy.


You may register for this hearing using the Senate kiosk located in the extension hallways or by going to http://swrs.