COMMITTEE:    Business & Commerce 

TIME & DATE:  8:00 AM, Thursday, April 20, 2017 

PLACE:        E1.016 (Hearing Room) 
CHAIR:        Senator Kelly Hancock 



To consider the following:


SB 255        Zaffirini
Relating to training for governmental entities and vendors, including purchasing and contract management training; authorizing fees.

SB 921        Perry
Relating to a late fee for failing to pay rent under a residential lease.

SB 938        Taylor, Van
Relating to certain rental-purchase agreements.

SB 1263       Hughes
Relating to the regulation of a service contract.

SB 1440       Campbell
Relating to the attendance by a quorum of a governmental body at certain candidate events under the open meetings law.

SB 1572       Watson
Relating to the operation of a motor vehicle dealership by certain manufacturers or distributors.

SB 1779       Creighton
Relating to premium and maintenance tax credits related to certain fees paid under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

SB 2279       Hancock
Relating to the ownership, control, or operation of a franchised or nonfranchised dealer or dealership by certain manufacturers.

Pending Business


Public testimony will be limited to 3 minutes. If submitting written testimony, please provide 20 copies to the committee clerk with your name and bill number on each copy.


You may register for this hearing using the Senate kiosk located in the extension hallways or by going to http://swrs.