COMMITTEE:    State Affairs 

TIME & DATE:  11:00 AM, Monday, May 01, 2017 

PLACE:        Senate Chamber 
CHAIR:        Senator Joan Huffman 



To consider the following:


SB 363        Perry
Relating to the uniform election dates for certain political subdivisions.

SB 816        Campbell
Relating to the rendition by a court in a suit affecting the parent-child relationship of an order that is contrary to the expressed wishes of the child's parent.

SB 1942       Hughes
Relating to the transportation or storage of a handgun or other firearm or ammunition by a license holder in a motor vehicle in a parking area of a primary or secondary school.

HB 1001       Israel | et al.         SP: Zaffirini
Relating to recording of minutes for a local canvassing authority.

HB 1020       Smithee | et al.        SP: Rodríguez
Relating to volunteer practice by an inactive member of the State Bar of Texas.

HB 1495       Thompson, Senfronia     SP: Rodríguez
Relating to the rendition of certain temporary orders during the pendency of a suit for modification of an order that provides for the conservatorship, support, or possession of or access to a child.

Public testimony will be limited to 2 minutes. If submitting written testimony, please provide 15 copies to the committee clerk with your name on each.