COMMITTEE:    State Affairs 

TIME & DATE:  8:30 AM, Friday, May 19, 2017 

PLACE:        2E.20 (Betty King Cmte. Rm.) 
CHAIR:        Senator Joan Huffman 



To consider the following:


HB 59         Guillen | et al.        SP: Zaffirini
Relating to certain lottery prize winners' choice to remain anonymous.

HB 214        Canales                 SP: Burton
Relating to a recording of certain proceedings of the Texas Supreme Court and Court of Criminal Appeals and the publication of the recordings.

HB 658        Bernal | et al.         SP: Hughes
Relating to priority voting for voters with certain disabilities substantially impairing mobility.

HB 1151       Schofield               SP: Bettencourt
Relating to the deadline for returning a ballot voted by mail.

HB 1378       Davis, Sarah | et al.   SP: Hughes
Relating to restrictions on political contributions and political expenditures by general-purpose political committees.

HB 1379       Davis, Sarah            SP: Buckingham
Relating to the reporting of political contributions and political expenditures by out-of-state political committees.

HB 1661       Phelan | et al.         SP: Nichols
Relating to a withdrawal of a candidate.

HB 1904       Capriglione             SP: Burton
Relating to the powers and compensation of criminal law magistrates in Tarrant County.

HB 2015       Paul | et al.           SP: Taylor, Larry
Relating to the disclosure of certain registration information by the voter registrar.

HB 2121       Cyrier | et al.         SP: Hughes
Relating to damages in certain contract claims against the state.

HB 2465       Davis, Sarah            SP: Buckingham
Relating to political contributions by corporations and labor organizations to certain political committees.

HB 2703       Muñoz, Jr.              SP: Uresti
Relating to a temporary order appointing a receiver in a suit for dissolution of a marriage.

HB 2837       Dean                    SP: Hughes
Relating to removal of deceased voters from voter rolls.

HB 2886       Klick                   SP: Burton
Relating to limiting the liability of certain health care providers.

HB 3055       Guillen                 SP: Lucio
Relating to the restrictions on political activities for a county elections administrator.

HB 3321       Frank                   SP: Perry
Relating to jurisdiction of the county courts in certain counties.

HB 3356       King, Tracy O.          SP: Creighton
Relating to privacy of certain structured settlement information.

HB 3391       Geren                   SP: Birdwell
Relating to the creation of a specialty court for certain public safety employees who commit a criminal offense; imposing fees for participation and testing, counseling, and treatment.

HB 3649       Herrero | et al.        SP: Hinojosa
Relating to confidential communications of victims of certain family violence offenses.

HCR 59        Bailes | et al.         SP: Creighton
Urging Congress to pass a budget.

Public testimony will be limited to 2 minutes. If submitting written testimony, please provide 15 copies to the committee clerk with your name on each.




Bills added after last posting:

HB 2121

HB 2465

HB 2703

HB 3649


** See Committee Coordinator for previous versions of the schedule **