COMMITTEE: Nominations
TIME & DATE: 8:00 AM
Thursday, April 27, 2017
PLACE: 2E.20 (Betty King Cmte. Rm.)
CHAIR: Senator Brian Birdwell
To consider the following:
The following nominees will appear:
State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners
Sandra Criner Appointed 03-04-16 for a Huffman
Fort Bend County term to expire 08-26-21
Jessica Sue Quillivan Appointed 03-04-16 for a Creighton
Montgomery County term to expire 08-26-21
440th Judicial District Court, Coryell County
Nolan Kinsey Appointed 01-01-17 for a Buckingham
Coryell County term to expire 12-31-18
Commission on Jail Standards
Kelly Shane Rowe Appointed 10-28-16 for a Perry
Lubbock County term to expire 01-31-21
Teacher Retirement System of Texas Board of Trustees
Christopher Sloan Moss Appointed 05-06-16 for a Nichols
Angelina County term to expire 08-31-21
The following nominees will not appear:
Commission on Jail Standards
Duane Lock Appointed 04-18-17 for a Burton
Tarrant County term to expire 01-31-23
Andrew Perry Appointed 04-18-17 for a Birdwell
McLennan County term to expire 01-31-23
Esmaeil Porsa Appointed 10-28-16 for a Taylor, V.
Collin County term to expire 01-31-17
William Keith Stoudt Appointed 10-28-16 for a Hughes
Gregg County term to expire 01-31-19
Melinda Taylor Appointed 04-18-17 for a Campbell
Travis County term to expire 01-31-21
Dennis Darwin Wilson Appointed 10-28-16 for a Schwertner
Limestone County term to expire 01-31-21
Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Commission
Richard H. Dolgener Appointed 08-17-16 for a Seliger
Andrews County term to expire 09-01-21
Linda Lane Morris Appointed 08-17-16 for a Birdwell
McLennan County term to expire 09-01-21
Manufactured Housing Board
Ronald Maxie Richards Appointed 12-03-15 for a Taylor, L.
Galveston County term to expire 01-31-17
Kiran Shah Appointed 12-03-15 for a Kolkhorst
Fort Bend County term to expire 01-31-19
Sheila M. Valles-Pankratz Appointed 02-24-16 for a Hinojosa
Hidalgo County term to expire 01-31-21
Texas Underground Facility Notification Corporation (One-Call Board)
Barry Calhoun Appointed 03-13-17 for a Taylor, V.
Dallas County term to expire 08-31-19
Jeffery R. Carroll Appointed 03-13-17 for a Campbell
Travis County term to expire 08-31-19
Roberto Gerardo De Leon Appointed 03-13-17 for a Hinojosa
Nueces County term to expire 08-31-19
Senaida Galvan Appointed 03-13-17 for a Campbell
Bexar County term to expire 08-31-19
Jesus Antonio Garza Appointed 03-13-17 for a Lucio
Kleberg County term to expire 08-31-18
Jason Eric Hartgraves Appointed 03-13-17 for a Huffines
Dallas County term to expire 08-31-18
James Ralph Schneider Appointed 03-13-17 for a Watson
Travis County term to expire 08-31-18
Janie Lou Walenta Appointed 03-13-17 for a Hughes
Wood County term to expire 08-31-18
Pecos River Compact Commission
Frederic H.S. Tate Appointed 03-01-17 for a Rodríguez
Presidio County term to expire 01-23-23
Product Development and Small Business Incubator Board
Arun Agarwal Appointed 03-28-16 for a Huffines
Dallas County term to expire 02-01-19
Kellilynn M. Frias Appointed 08-26-16 for a Perry
Lubbock County term to expire 02-01-21
James D. Mize Appointed 08-26-16 for a Nichols
Nacogdoches County term to expire 02-01-21
Public Safety Commission
Anne Cynthia Leon Appointed 03-08-17 for a Hinojosa
Hidalgo County term to expire 01-01-20
Steven Patrick Mach Appointed 03-08-17 for a Huffman
Harris County term to expire 01-01-22
Jason Kenneth Pulliam Appointed 03-08-17 for a Campbell
Bexar County term to expire 01-01-22
State Board for Educator Certification
Rohanna Brooks-Sykes Appointed 07-27-16 for a Bettencourt
Harris County term to expire 02-01-21
Arturo Jude Cavazos Appointed 07-27-16 for a Lucio
Cameron County term to expire 02-01-21
Tommy Lamar Coleman Appointed 11-14-16 for a Nichols
Polk County term to expire 02-01-19
Sandra A. Mullins Moger Appointed 07-27-16 for a Huffman
Harris County term to expire 02-01-21
Laurie Jeanette Turner Appointed 07-27-16 for a Hinojosa
Nueces County term to expire 02-01-21
State Employee Charitable Campaign Policy Committee
Gregory Scott Davidson Appointed 12-19-16 for a Campbell
Travis County term to expire 09-01-17
Alicia Gray Key Ellison Appointed 12-19-16 for a Campbell
Hays County term to expire 09-01-18
Tabatha Charlene Vasquez Appointed 12-19-16 for a Watson
Travis County term to expire 09-01-18
Teacher Retirement System of Texas Board of Trustees
John Webster Elliott Appointed 05-06-16 for a Watson
Travis County term to expire 08-31-21
Gregory Alan Gibson Appointed 05-06-16 for a Campbell
Guadalupe County term to expire 08-31-21
Texas Board of Professional Engineers
Lamberto Jose Balli Appointed 05-13-16 for a Campbell
Bexar County term to expire 09-26-21
Albert Lee Cheng Appointed 05-13-16 for a Huffman
Harris County term to expire 09-26-21
Catherine H. Norwood Appointed 05-13-16 for a Seliger
Midland County term to expire 09-26-21
Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists
Lindsey Lee Bradford Appointed 04-12-16 for a Kolkhorst
Jackson County term to expire 02-01-21
Bereket Mebrahtu Derie Appointed 04-12-16 for a Schwertner
Williamson County term to expire 02-01-21
Steven William Fleming Appointed 04-12-16 for a Campbell
Bexar County term to expire 02-01-21
Texas Forensic Science Commission
Jeffrey Joseph Barnard Appointed 11-28-16 for a Hall
Dallas County term to expire 09-01-17
Bruce Budowle Appointed 11-28-16 for a Hancock
Tarrant County term to expire 09-01-18
Mark G. Daniel Appointed 11-28-16 for a Burton
Tarrant County term to expire 09-01-17
Nancy Ruth Downing Appointed 11-28-16 for a Schwertner
Brazos County term to expire 09-01-18
Jasmine Millican Drake Appointed 11-28-16 for a Nichols
Montgomery County term to expire 09-01-18
Sheree Robyn Hughes-Stamm Appointed 11-28-16 for a Creighton
Montgomery County term to expire 09-01-18
Dennis Johnson Appointed 11-28-16 for a Watson
Travis County term to expire 09-01-17
Sarah Kerrigan Appointed 11-28-16 for a Creighton
Montgomery County term to expire 09-01-17
Jarvis Jermaine Parsons Appointed 11-28-16 for a Schwertner
Brazos County term to expire 09-01-17
Texas Lottery Commission
Carmen Arrieta-Candelaria Appointed 08-10-15 for a Rodríguez
El Paso County term to expire 02-01-17
Peggy A. Heeg Appointed 08-10-15 for a Whitmire
Harris County term to expire 02-01-19
Douglas Edwin Lowe Appointed 08-10-15 for a Nichols
Anderson County term to expire 02-01-17
Robert Gabriel Rivera Appointed 08-10-15 for a Hancock
Tarrant County term to expire 02-01-21
Pending business:
Midwestern State University Board of Regents
Warren Thomas Ayres Appointed 03-07-16 for a Estes
Wichita County term to expire 02-25-22
Tiffany Dawn Burks Appointed 03-07-16 for a Birdwell
Tarrant County term to expire 02-25-22
Shelley Schmitz Sweatt Appointed 03-07-16 for a Estes
Wichita County term to expire 02-25-22
Stephen F. Austin State University Board of Regents
Scott Harvey Coleman Appointed 08-17-15 for a Huffman
Harris County term to expire 01-31-21
Alton Lee Frailey Appointed 08-17-15 for a Kolkhorst
Fort Bend County term to expire 01-31-21
Texas A&M University System Board of Regents
Timothy Allen Leach Appointed 02-01-17 for a Seliger
Midland County term to expire 02-01-23
Elaine Marie Mendoza-Gay Appointed 02-01-17 for a Campbell
Bexar County term to expire 02-01-23
Clifton Leo Thomas Appointed 02-01-17 for a Kolkhorst
Victoria County term to expire 02-01-23
Texas Commission on the Arts
Mila Beth Gibson Appointed 03-30-17 for a Perry
Nolan County term to expire 08-31-21
Felix Noel Padron Appointed 03-30-17 for a Menéndez
Bexar County term to expire 08-31-21
Marci Lenee Roberts Appointed 03-30-17 for a Uresti
Brewster County term to expire 08-31-21
Stephanie Stephens Appointed 03-30-17 for a Huffman
Harris County term to expire 08-31-19
Kevin Yu Appointed 03-30-17 for a Huffines
Dallas County term to expire 08-31-17
Texas Military Preparedness Commission
Carol Ann Halliday Bonds Appointed 11-30-15 for a Perry
Tom Green County term to expire 02-01-19
Garry William Bradford Appointed 03-29-17 for a Hinojosa
Nueces County term to expire 02-01-19
Darrell Glen Coleman Appointed 11-30-15 for a Estes
Wichita County term to expire 02-01-19
Thomas Carl Duncavage Appointed 03-29-17 for a Taylor, L.
Galveston County term to expire 02-01-23
Woody Francis Gilliland Appointed 03-29-17 for a Buckingham
Taylor County term to expire 02-01-23
Dennis Leamon Lewis Appointed 04-27-16 for a Hughes
Bowie County term to expire 02-01-21
Kevin Earl Pottinger Appointed 04-27-16 for a Hancock
Tarrant County term to expire 02-01-21
Kenneth F. Sheets Appointed 03-29-17 for a Hall
Dallas County term to expire 02-01-21
Annette Louise Sobel Appointed 03-29-17 for a Perry
Lubbock County term to expire 02-01-23
Shannalea Grubb Taylor Appointed 04-27-16 for a Uresti
Val Verde County term to expire 02-01-21
Alton F. Thomas Appointed 03-29-17 for a Rodríguez
El Paso County term to expire 02-01-23
James Allen Whitmore Appointed 03-29-17 for a Campbell
Comal County term to expire 02-01-23
Texas Southern University Board of Regents
Oliver J. Bell Appointed 09-15-15 for a Miles
Harris County term to expire 02-01-17
Texas Woman's University Board of Regents
Nolan E. Perez Appointed 06-11-15 for a Lucio
Cameron County term to expire 02-01-21
University of North Texas System Board of Regents
Ashok Kumar Mago Appointed 11-09-15 for a Huffines
Dallas County term to expire 05-22-21
George B. Ryan Appointed 11-09-15 for a Huffines
Dallas County term to expire 05-22-21
Laura Lynne Hesse Wright Appointed 11-09-15 for a Huffines
Dallas County term to expire 05-22-21