COMMITTEE:    Criminal Justice 

TIME & DATE:  1:30 PM or upon adjournment
Tuesday, May 02, 2017 

PLACE:        E1.016 (Hearing Room) 
CHAIR:        Senator John Whitmire 



To be considered:


SB 630        Buckingham             
Relating to documentation regarding an arrest of a person without a warrant.

SB 631        Buckingham             
Relating to venue for the disposition of stolen property.

SB 1185       West                   
Relating to criminal history record information obtained or disseminated by certain private entities; providing a civil penalty.

SB 1314       Rodríguez              
Relating to the standards for substance abuse facilities and programs operated by juvenile probation departments.

SB 1322       Kolkhorst              
Relating to increasing the punishment for the offense of possession or promotion of child pornography; changing parole eligibility.

SB 1631       Rodríguez              
Relating to the child safety zone applicable to a person released on parole or to mandatory supervision.

SB 1649       Watson                 
Relating to an enhanced penalty for repeated criminal trespass on or in the property of a public institution of higher education.

SB 1790       Taylor, Van            
Relating to the punishment for the offense of fraudulent destruction, removal, or concealment of a writing that is attached to tangible property.

SB 1793       Menéndez               
Relating to complaints filed against certain law enforcement officers, peace officers, detention officers, county jailers, and fire fighters.

SB 1822       Burton                 
Relating to criminal offenses previously compiled in statutes outside the Penal Code, to repealing certain of those offenses, and to conforming punishments for certain of those offenses to the penalty structure provided in the Penal Code; increasing the punishment for sabotage and sedition; imposing a civil penalty.

SB 1849       Whitmire | et al.      
Relating to interactions between law enforcement and individuals detained or arrested on suspicion of the commission of criminal offenses and the confinement or release of those individuals prior to prosecution.

SB 1937       Hughes                 
Relating to the participation of certain counties in the collection improvement program.



Bills added after last posting:

SB 1649

SB 1793


Bills deleted after last posting:

SB 271


** See Committee Coordinator for previous versions of the schedule **