COMMITTEE:    Veteran Affairs & Border Security 

TIME & DATE:  1:30 PM or upon adjournment
Wednesday, March 08, 2017 

PLACE:        2E.20 (Betty King Cmte. Rm.) 
CHAIR:        Senator Donna Campbell 



SB 751        Campbell
Relating to the confidentiality of certain information of and the abolishment date of the military base realignment and closure task force.

SB 277        Campbell
Relating to the eligibility of certain property for certain ad valorem tax incentives relating to wind-powered energy devices.

Pending Business:


SB 94         Hall
Relating to a ribbon for certain members of the military forces who served in support of operations to secure the Texas border.

SB 102        Hall | et al.
Relating to general officers within the state military department.

SB 587        Campbell
Relating to the ability of certain students to enroll full-time in courses provided through the state virtual school network.