Public Health Committee
February 28, 2017 - 8:00 AM
For :
Chicoine, Julie (Texas Hospital Association)
Zolnierek, Cindy (Self; Texas nurses association)
Registering, but not testifying:
For :
Abbott, Delia (Self)
Acosta, Teresa (Texas Nurses Association)
Acuna, Gail (Self)
Alexanderson, Emily (Self; Texas state school of nursing)
Ali, Ahtesham (Self)
Ali, Darcy (Self)
Anderson, Brittany (TNA)
Angeles, Seaneila (Texas State School of Nursing)
Ash, Leslie (University of Texas at Tyler)
Ashcraft, Betty (Self; UT Tyler student)
Ballew, Joel (Texas Health Resources)
Barbre, William (Self; Texas Nurse Assoc)
Barragan, Esmeralda (Self)
Bobbitt, Savannah (TNA)
Brown, Chrystal (Self; Texas Nurses Association)
Bryant, Kelley (Self; Texas Nurses Association)
Burley, Cathryn El (Self; Texas nurses association)
Calais, Obuchukwuneme (Self)
Campbell, Cassandra (Self; Texas Nurses Association)
Carrasco, Rebecca (Self; UT Tyler)
Carter, Ashley (Texas Nurses Association)
Castleberry, Connie (Self; TNA)
Clifton-Hernandez, Naomi (Self; Texas Nurses Association)
Colbert, Taylor (University of Texas at Tyler)
Cox, Jessica (Self; NAPNAP NANN AWHONN)
Crawford spelce, Kelsey (Self; Texas nursing association)
Dayberry, Tamatha (Self; TNA)
DeBower, Courtney (Texas EMS, Trauma & Acute Care Foundation (TETAF))
DeFrehn, Patricia (Self; Texas Nurses Association, Nurse Executives)
Delk-fikes, Jenny (Self; Texas nurses association)
Dorman-O'Donnell, Margie (Self; Texas Nurses Association)
Dotson, Taylor (TNA)
Eades, Tammy (Self; Texas nursing association)
Eckersley, Elizabeth (Tna)
Farmer-Guerra, Anthoney (Self; Spread Hope Like Fire)
Fay-Stindt, Zoe (Self)
Finch, Daniel (Texas Medical Assn)
Fontenot, Debra (Self; TNA)
Ford, Candice (Self; Tsna)
Francis, Patricia (Texas Nurses Association)
Freier, Patricia (Self; Texas Nurses Association)
Frey, Gabrielle (Self; Texas Nurses Association)
Garry, Natalie (Texas Nurses Assoc)
Grant, Kimberley (Self; Texas nurses association)
Gray, Stephanie (Self)
Green, Linda (Self; Tna)
Grubesic, Ruth (Self; Texas Nurses Association)
Hardy, Jaime (Self)
Public Health Committee
Harris-Caldwell, Avis (Texas Nurses Association)
Hawes, Janice (Tna)
Hayes, Maria (Self; TNA)
Henager, Jennifer (Central Texas Regional Advisory Council)
Henderson, Toni (Self; TNA)
Hernandez, Sofia (Self)
Herterich, Lisa (TNA)
Hester, Melinda (Self; Texas state university school of nursING)
Hill, Cynthia (Self; TNA)
Hilliard, James R (Ron) (Self)
Howard, Jazzlyn (Self)
Hughes, Geoff (Tna)
Jeffries, Karen (Self; Texas nurses assoc)
Jordan, Claire (Nurses)
Kidd, Laura (Self; Texas Nurses Assn)
Larsen, Shayla (Self; TNA TCC NURSING)
Lindy, Cheryl (Self; Tna)
Lowe, Anita (TNA)
Luna, Francis (Self; Texas School Nurses Organization)
Luna, Joe (Self; Texas School Nurses Organization)
MacLean, Kate (Self; TNA)
Marshall, June (Texas Nurses Association)
Martin Morgan, Judy (TNA)
Martinez, Maria (Self)
May, Alberta (Self; TNA)
McCarthy, Amy (Texas nurses association)
Mccluskey, Sally (Self; Angelo staite university)
McKeever, Susan (Self; TSNA)
Miller, Janice (Self; TNA)
Mills, Sarah (Texas Association for Home Care and Hospice)
Momii, Sybil (Tna)
Monjaraz, Rene (Self; TNA)
Morrell, Patricia (Self; Texas Nurse Association)
Mulholland, Katherine (TNA)
Nietupski, Prudence (Self; TNA)
Osaghae, Helen (Self)
Phelps, Patricia (Self)
Pickett, Amy (Self; TNA)
Powers, Rebekah (Self; TNA)
Ragas, Chelsea (University of Texas at Tyler)
Randolph, Carol (Self; Tna)
Reeves, Christine (Heart of Texas Regional Advisory Council)
Richardson, Crissie (Self)
Rivard, Mary (Self; Texas Nurses Association)
Roberts, Danielle (Self; Tarrant County College Nursing (NSA))
Royster-Hibbert, Lorraine (Self; Texas Nurses Association)
Sanders-thompson, Dorothy (TNA)
Savage, Aletha (Self; Tna)
Saxton, Josette (Texans Care for Children)
Sewell, Frances (Self)
Smith (Self)
Smith, Darla (Texas Nurses Association)
Smith, Rebecca (Self; Tna)
Steinbach, Jill (Self; TNA)
Stokes, Michelle (TNSA)
Stuffel, Jessica (Self)
Public Health Committee
Swenson Britt, Evelyn (Self)
Switzer, Gyl (Mental health america of texas)
Taylor, Tonya (Self; Texas Nurses Association)
Temple, Thomas (Self)
Teran, Norma (Self)
Thapa, Sumita (Self)
Timmons, Karen (Tna)
Torres, Gabriela (Self; TNA)
Vanderzyl, Whitney (Self; TNA)
Walker, Nancy (University Health System/Bexar County)
Watson, Jeff (Self; Texas Nurses Association)
Weaver (Self)
Wesely, Ramona (Self; Tna)
Wilkinson, Crystal (Self)
Wilson, Wendy (Consortium of Texas Certified Nurse-Midwives)
Wong, Samuel (Self)
Woomer, Eric (Federation of Texas Psychiatry)
Wright, Aimee (Self)
Zelanko, Eugenia "Jeanie" (Self; Texas Nurses Association)
On :
Aker, Chris (Department of State Health Services)
Majek, Mark (Texas Board of Nursing)
Maples, Mike (Department of state health services)
Thomas, Katherine (Texas Board of Nursing)