Urban Affairs Committee
March 28, 2017 - 10:30 AM or upon final adjourn./recess
For :
Anderson, Jarvis (Bexar County CSCD)
Jessup, Charles (Self; City of Meadows Place)
Kendrick, Jimmy (Self; Town of fulton)
Lockhart, Heather (Texas Municipal League)
Mooney, Adele (City of Maypearl)
Muecke, Brian (Self; City of Hedwig Village)
Sanders, Elicia (City of Eustace)
Against :
Bailey, Danielle (Self)
Carden, Sharon (Self)
Cordeiro, Jon (Self; New Name Ministries)
Gladden, Richard (Self)
Klein, Jennifer (Self)
Marana, Peter (Self)
Marana, Peter (Self; Texas voices for Reason and Justice)
Maverick, Hans (Self)
Maverick, Hans (Self; Texas Advocates for Justice)
Molnar, Mary sue (Self; Texas voices for reason and justice)
Taylor, Philip (Self)
Thedford, Holly (Self)
Thomas, Beverly (Self)
On :
Deitch, Michele (Self)
Registering, but not testifying:
For :
Crockett, Sarah (Texas CASA)
Freeman, Brian (Self; City of Eagle Lake)
Geary, Michael (The Texas Conservative Coalition)
Green, Christina (Children's Advocacy Centers of Texas, Inc.)
Hunt, Ray (Houston Police Officers' Union)
Johnson, Noel (TMPA)
McLaughlin, James (Texas Police Chiefs Association)
Parr, Mary (Self; City of Eagle Lake)
Rucka, Sylvia (Self; City of eagle lake)
Thompson, Rodney (Self; Texas Probation Association)
Against :
Anthony, Earl (Self)
Anthony, Jo ann (Self)
Atwood, Robert (Self)
Bennett, Matthew (Self)
Brooks, Lori (Self)
Brooks, Tim (Self)
Bryant, Beth (Self)
Cairns, Chase (Self)
Cook, Jacquelyn (Self)
Grohman, Alana (Self)
Harbour, David (Self)
Hearn, Jack (Self)
Hendrickson, Alberine (Self)
Hendrickson, Sven (Self)
Urban Affairs Committee
Hockett, Jeffrey (Self)
Hornung, Melody (Self)
Iversen, Jackie (Self)
Iversen, Keith (Self)
Johnson, Lauren (Self)
Kelly, Cynthia (Self)
King, Edwina (Self)
McCollum, Ellen (Self)
Miller, Leah (Self)
Miller, Maria (Self)
Miller, Roger (Self)
Neeley, Josiah (R Street Institute)
Pearson, Meridith (Self)
Pearson, Wesley (Self)
Perry, Gene (Self)
Renaud, Jorge (Self; Texas advocates for justice)
Shier, Bill (Self)
Sliter, James (Self)
Smith, Reginald (Self)
Stobaugh, Mike (Self)
Tipton, Peggy (Self)
Tipton, Thomas (Self)
Vancil, Eric (Self)
Wardian, Gary (Self)
Werner, Carol (Self)
Werner, Skylar (Self)
Wilhelm, Michelle (Self)
Womack, Beth (Self)
Womack, Randel (Self)