Economic & Small Business Development Committee
March 16, 2017 - 8:00 AM
For :
Fisher, Jon (Associated Builders and Contractors of Texas)
Rimann, J.D. (Texas Public Policy Foundation)
Roden, Gary (Self; Associated Builders and Contractors)
Against :
Aguilar, Leonard (Self; Texas Building Trades)
Hyatt, Justin (Self)
Levy, Rick (Texas AFL-CIO)
Murphy, Michael (Self; IBEW Local 520)
On :
Flores, Robert (Texas Association of Mexican American Chambers of Commerce)
Registering, but not testifying:
For :
Chatron, Michael (AGC Texas Building Branch)
Conner, Rita (Self; ABC Central Texas)
Dewitt, Cathy (Texas Association of Business)
Fowler, Perry (Texas Water Infrastructure Network (TXWIN))
Matula, David (Self; ABC Central TX)
Smith, David (Self; Associated Builders and Contractors of Texas)
Spilman, Annie (National Federation of Independent Business/Texas)
Taylor, Corey (Self; Associated Builders and Contractors of Central Texas)
Tredway, CJ (Independent Electrical Contractors of Texas)
Utkov, Clayton (Self; ABC of Texas)
Against :
Arabie, Joseph (Texas AFL CIO)
Berendzen, James (Self; UA Local 100)
Bradshaw, Ben (Self; UA Local 100)
Cooper, Joe (Self; Swpt)
English, Brian (Self; Smart-td)
Garza, Debbie (Self)
Ledezma, Abel (Self; South West Pipe Trades)
LeFevre, Scott (Self; SWPTA)
Patrick, John (Texas AFL CIO)
Pedigo, Gary (Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers & Trainmen)
Reyna, Israel (Self; South west pipe trades)
Saunders, Kamron (Smart-td)
Sheldon, Tyler (Texas State Employees Union)
Sills, Edward (Self; Texas AFL-CIO)
Thornton, Robert (Self; Plumbers & pipefitters Local Union #286)
Timm, Emily (Self; Workers Defense Project)
Tomlin, Chad (Self; Swpt)