HB 810


              Public Health Committee

              April 18, 2017 - 8:00 AM

                       For :

                                 Briones, Danny (Self)

                                 Cowley, Stefanie (Self)

                                 Deering, Heather (Self)

                                 Gannon, Catherine (Self)

                                 Hardcastle, Rick (Self; Celltex therapeutics)

                                 Harrell, Sam (Self)

                                 Hemphill, Sheila (Self; Texas Right To Know)

                                 Kotsanis, Beverly (Self; Kotsanis institute)

                                 Martin, Mary (Self)

                                 Martin, Mary (Self; Jennifer Perez)

                                 Martin, Rickie (Self)

                                 Thompson, Tracy (Self)

                                 Walker, Preston (Self)

                                 Ziegler, Jennifer (Self; Patients For Stem Cells)

                       On :

                                 Bales, David (Self; Texans for Cures)

                                 Bales, David (Texans for Cures)

                       Registering, but not testifying:

                       For :

                                 Allmon, Jennifer (The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops)

                                 Bentley, Matthew (Self)

                                 Blakemore, Allen (Self)

                                 Bruce, Bonnie (Self)

                                 Cernosek, Carmen (Self)

                                 Delarosa, Julie (Self)

                                 Flores, Aurora (Self)

                                 Haney, Casey (Self)

                                 Hemphill, Coleman (Self)

                                 Jones, Adam (Self; KK125 Foundation)

                                 Kimberly, Knox (Self)

                                 Matz, Laura (Self)

                                 McPeters, Pamela (Self)

                                 Meier, Carol (Self)

                                 Paredes, Dorothy (Self)

                                 Pope, Clay (Self)

                                 Scurlock, Stephen (Self)

                                 Sloan, Karen (Self)

                                 Stephens, V.A. (Self; KK125)

                                 Wittenburg, Michelle (Self; KK125)

                       On :

                                 Bredt, Robert (Texas Medical Board)

                                 Freshour, Scott (Texas Medical Board)

                                 Huss, Jonathan (Dept of State Health Services)

                                 Johnston, Monique (Texas medical board)
