Energy Resources Committee
March 6, 2017 - 2:00 PM or upon final adjourn./recess
For :
Brocato, Thomas (Steering Committee of Cities Served by Atmos)
Davis, Tricia (Self; Texas royalty council)
Longanecker, Ed (President of the Texas Independent Producers and Royalty Owners
Association (TIPRO))
Mann, James (Texas Pipeline Association)
Shepperd, Ben (Permian Basin Petroleum Association)
Staples, Todd (Texas Oil and Gas Aasociation)
Tintera, John (Texas Alliance Energy Producers/Panhandle Producers)
Against :
Burnam, Lon (Downwinders At Risk and Tarrant Coaltion for Environmental Awareness)
Foster, David (Clean Water Action)
Miller, Mark (Self; Libertarian Party of Texas)
On :
Beving, Rita (Self; Public citizen)
Birch, Carol (Public Citizen Texas)
Christian, Wayne (Railroad Commission)
Craddick, Christi (Railroad Commission of Texas)
Dobbs, Andrew (Texas campaign for the environment)
Reed, Cyrus (Lone star chapter sierra club)
Sitton, Ryan (Texas Railroad Commission)
Registering, but not testifying:
For :
Aston, Junior (Self)
Buchanan, Laura (Texas Land & Mineral Owners Association)
Cannon, Thure (Texas Pipeline Association)
Carter, Teddy (Devon Energy)
Casey, Stan (Concho Resources)
Kelly, Bill (Mayor's Office, City of Houston)
Leal, Gloria (Self)
McBeth, Kelly (GPA Midstream)
Moore, Julie (Occidental Petroleum)
Nathan, Robert (CPS Energy)
Ryan, Jason (CenterPoint Energy)
Sander, Lindsay (Markwest Energy)
Stinnett, Riley (Texas Gas Service)
Thompson, Matthew (Apache Corporation)
On :
Doyel, Elizabeth (Self; Texas League of Conservation Voters)
Levine, Ken (Sunset Commission)
Trost, Amy (Sunset Advisory Commission)
Wang, Wei (Railroad commission)